Local Christian Radio for Guam
Many hours of local, Christian programming are produced in our studios every week. Each one is intended to point listeners to Jesus Christ and His word. Thank you for listening!
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Subscribe to the Take Note Podcast
We discuss a theme or topic from the word of God between songs every weekday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live on Take Note. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.
We click publish every Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 PM.
Our latest podcasts and full program downloads can be found here.
Live ’til Five – Mexico
We spend Cinco de Mayo talking about Mexico, even featuring a Mexican-themed drink on this week's "What's in My Coffee?"
Harvest Time – Dongons
Andrew and Bonnie Dongan join Pastor Herron this week to talk about how they are using their gifts in music and English to minister to others.
Live ’til Five – Declaration of Independence
A new copy of the Declaration of Independence has been discovered. We talk about it today, and bring you all of our regular segments.
Live ’til Five – Cheese
This is one of our cheesiest LTF broadcasts. (You could see that coming, couldn't you?) All of our regular segments, plus special guest Lindsay Nagengast.
Live ’til Five – Dreams
A special guest on the show this week turns into a dinosaur. Thankfully it all happens in a dream, as the theme and focus of the show is dreams.
Harvest Time – Borchardts
Jeff and Jessica Borchardt join Pastor Herron this week to talk about their family and ministry in education at Harvest.
Harvest Time – Schlarb and Baker
Church members and Harvest Christian Academy teachers Kelly Schlarb and Janette Baker speak about their ministry and journey to Guam.
Live ’til Five – Netherlands
This week we discuss this year's Spring play at HCA, The Hiding Place, which is set in the Netherlands and tells the story of Corrie Ten Boom.
Live ’til Five – Strange Names
Special guest, Pastor Dennis Kirkland today, we're also celebrating Harvest Family Radio's 21st anniversary, with all of our regular segments as well.
We post regularly on Instagram! We hope these images communicate our love for Guam and remind us of our great Creator.