Harvest Echoes
This program was recorded in the pulpit of Harvest Baptist Church.
Since our founding in 1975, pastors, evangelists, and missionaries have traveled from all over the world to Guam to speak to our people, preaching and teaching the word of God.
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Title | Speaker | Topics | Scriptures |
Gideon | Brian Carruthers | Faith, Gideon | 1 Corinthians |
What Right Does God Have to My Body? | Tom Farrell | Purity, Creation, Surrender | 1 Corinthians |
Act Like Men | Danny Whetstone | Victory, Faithfulness | 1 Corinthians |
Build a Glory Driven Life | Sam Horn | Glory, Mission | 1 Corinthians |
Brokenness: The Way to Blessing | John Vaughn | Testimony, Trials | 1 Peter |
How to Get Answers from Headquarters | Tom Farrell | Hannah, Prayer | 1 Samuel |
The Life of David | Carson Fremont | David | 1 Samuel, Psalms |
The USA in Bible Prophecy | Steve Pettit | Prophecy, Judgment | 1 Thessalonians |
Ready for the Rapture | John Goetsch | Salvation | 1 Thessalonians |
Manifesting a Life that Matters | Sam Horn | Family | 1 Thessalonians |
Departing Grace | FG Homsher | Death, Paul | 1 Thessalonians |
The Body We Cherish | Doug McLachlan | Church | 1 Timothy |
The Road to Revival | John Goetsch | Salvation, Prayer | 2 Chronicles |
Saved or Lost | Jeff Redlin | Salvation, Enemy | 2 Chronicles |
Brokenness: The Promise | John Vaughn | Paul, Prayer, Discipleship | 2 Corinthians |
Taking the Message to the Regions Beyond | John O'Malley | Evangelism, Missions | 2 Corinthians |
The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make | Tom Farrell | Salvation | 2 Corinthians |
The Heart of Paul | Kevin Inafuku | Love | 2 Corinthians |
Living On Eternity's Edge | Matt Recker | Elijah, Evangelism | 2 Kings |
7 Marks of a Growing Family | Curt Lamansky | Sanctification, Family | 2 Peter |
Is the Young Man Safe? | Jeremy Frazor | David, Consequences | 2 Samuel |
Them That Love His Appearing | Gary Anderson | Second Coming, Service | 2 Timothy |
Four Marks of a Good Soldier | Mark Herbster | Discipleship, Spirit | 2 Timothy |
God Doesn't Waste Seed | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Spirit | Acts |
Missions | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 1 | Tom Farrell | Conscience, Godliness | Acts |
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 2 | Tom Farrell | Conscience, Godliness | Acts |
The Great Prediction | JD Crowley | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
Rescue of Two Prisoners | FG Homsher | Ministry, Salvation | Acts |
A Cry for Help | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
Added to the Church | John Goetsch | Church, Discipleship | Acts |
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 1 | FG Homsher | Evangelism, Persecution | Acts |
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 2 | FG Homsher | Evangelism, Persecution | Acts |
Barnabas the Encourager | Danny Whetstone | Unity, Encouragement | Acts |
Grow Up | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship, Church | Acts |
The Return of the Lord | Jerry Sivnksty | Promise, Eternity | Acts, 1 Corinthians |
Gearing Up for Service | Mark Zimmer | Servanthood | Colossians |
God's Transforming Power | Mark Zimmer | Salvation | Colossians |
Portrait of Courage | Jeff Kahl | Courage, Faith | Daniel |
God On Trial | Dave Doran | Pride, Trials | Daniel |
How to Make a Great Family | Jeff Kahl | Priorities, Knowledge | Deuteronomy |
So Man Could Find Him | John O'Malley | Salvation | Ecclesiastes |
Don't Waste Your Life | Will Galkin | Youth, Remember | Ecclesiastes |
Build a Spirit -Driven Life | Sam Horn | Holy Spirit, Discipleship | Ephesians |
How to Change God's Way | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship, Sin | Ephesians |
Rules for Relationships | Steve Pettit | Relationships, Salvation | Ephesians |
How Then Shall We Not Live? | Steve Pettit | Salvation, Worldliness | Ephesians |
The Key to Maximum Christian Living | Tom Farrell | Discipleship, Holy Spirit | Ephesians |
Sword of the Spirit | FG Homsher | Holy Spirit | Ephesians |
Be Imitators of God | Sam Horn | Evangelism, Mission | Ephesians |
Handling the Past Biblically | Dr. Larry Oats | Blessings, Paul | Ephesians |
Brokenness: The Process | John Vaughn | Moses, Surrender | Exodus |
Sold for Him | Aaron Coffey | Moses, Obedience | Exodus |
Dealing With Despair | Carson Fremont | Moses, Paul | Exodus, Numbers |
Six Words that Will Change Your Life | Tom Farrell | Glory, Worship | Galatians |
Standing in Grace | Mark Kittrell | Grace, Faith, Freedom | Galatians |
Brokenness: The Portrait | John Vaughn | Joseph, Service | Genesis |
God's Quest | Danny Whetstone | Discipleship, Evangelism , Missions | Genesis |
When You Get to Heaven | John Vaughn | Evangelism, Lot | Genesis |
What is God Like | Will Galkin | Creator, Justice | Genesis |
Trusting God When it Hurts | Will Galkin | Faithfulness, Obedience | Genesis |
Will You Live by Faith? | Aaron Coffey | Faith | Habakkuk |
Preparing for the Future by Dealing with the Past | FG Homsher | Forgiveness, Judgement | Hebrews |
Final Warning | Steve Pettit | Discipleship, Obedience | Hebrews |
Obey God by Obeying Authorities | Mark Herbster | Authority, Obedience | Hebrews |
Our Real and Present Danger | Steve Pettit | Discipleship, Discouragement | Hebrews |
Don't Underestimate the Power of Sin | Ron DeGarde | Worldliness, Exhortation | Hebrews |
Heart Surgery | Mike Herbster | Sin, Surrender, Obedience | Hebrews, Joshua |
Minor Prophets with a Major Message | FG Homsher | Mercy, Redemption, Salvation | Hosea |
The Value of God's Word | Ron DeGarde | Bible, Doctrine | II Timothy |
Taste and See that God is Good Enough for You | Aaron Coffey | Light, Salvation | Isaiah |
What is Truth? | John Goetsch | Bible, Truth | Isaiah |
The Power of Prayer Part 2 | Jim Tillotson | Prayer, Hindrances | Isaiah, Proverbs |
Three Enemies We Fight Against | Mike Herbster | Lust, Sin, Worldliness | James |
Demolishing Strongholds | FG Homsher | Obedience, Sin, Strongholds | James |
Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work | John Vaughn | Patience | James |
Powerful Prayer | Ron DeGarde | Promise, Prayer | Jeremiah |
Brokenness: The Principle | John Vaughn | Crucifixion, Sacrifice | John |
Imitating Jesus Christ | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship | John |
Jesus is the Key | Mark Herbster | Faith, Salvation | John |
The Shape of God's Love | Doug McLachlan | Love, Salvation | John |
Witnessing Like Jesus | Jeremy Frazor | Evangelism | John |
The Power of Prayer Part 1 | Jim Tillotson | Prayer, Hindrances | John |
Pruning the Vine | Mark Kittrell | Obedience, Example | John |
Following Jesus Christ: An Extraordinary Privilege | Doug McLachlan | Evengelism | John |
Following Jesus Christ: His Being | Doug McLachlan | Light, Power, Discipleship | John |
Following Jesus Christ: His Extraordinary Being | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship, Grace | John |
Give God Your Life | Ron DeGarde | Glory, Repentance, Forgiveness | Jonah |
Guaranteed Success | Jeremy Frazor | Faithfulness, Obedience | Joshua |
Life Lessons from a Dead Loser | Jeremy Frazor | Sin, Judgment | Joshua |
Victory Over Injustice | Jeff Kahl | Victory | Luke |
Business Lessons from the Unjust Steward | Les Ollila | Values, Finances | Luke |
Won't You Be My Neighbor? | John O'Malley | Samaritan, Compassion | Luke |
Cry of Blindness | Mark Zimmer | Bartimaeus, Blindness, Helpless | Luke |
No Regret Living | Sam Horn | Obedience | Luke |
What is Real Salvation? | Jeremy Frazor | Salvation | Luke |
Launch Into the Deep | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Obedience | Luke |
To Follow Christ | Will Galkin | Discipleship, Obedience | Luke |
A Forever Fix | Dr. Marty Von | Eternity, Perspective | Luke |
Four Who are Lost | Jeff Fain | Obedience, Evangelism | Luke |
Living Sacrifice Part 1 | Mark Kittrell | Name, Love, Sacrifice | Malachi |
Living Sacrifice Part 2 | Mark Kittrell | Honor, Love, Sacrifice | Malachi |
Break the Box | Kurt Skelly | Discipleship, Servanthood | Mark |
The Value of a Soul | John Goetsch | Death, Salvation | Mark |
The Master Key | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship | Mark |
Fear Factor | Aaron Coffey | Fear, Disobedience | Mark, 1 Samuel |
Two Days to Live | JD Crowley | Money, Heaven, Evangelism | Mathew |
How to Handle Temptation | Jerry Sivnksty | Sin, Scripture | Matthew |
The Things He Values | John O'Malley | Crucifixion, Church | Matthew |
Seeking God First | Bruce McCallister | Priorities, Worldliness | Matthew |
Laborers in the Harvest | Will Galkin | Evangelism, Love | Matthew |
Brokenness: The Purpose | John Vaughn | Peter, Strength, Weakness | Matthew |
The Greatest Passion of Life | Will Galkin | Love, Time | Matthew |
Good Advice for Bad Times | Sam Horn | Worry | Matthew |
Take My Yoke | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Salvation | Matthew |
Remember Your Story | Jim Newcomer | Salvation, Testimony | Matthew |
Treasure in Heaven | Gary Crandall | Discipleship, Heaven | Matthew |
The Danger of Unforgiveness | Jeff Kahl | Conflict, Forgiveness, Relationships | Matthew |
Salt and Light | Dalton Heath | Testimony, Example | Matthew |
The Church's Responsibility Part 1 | Jim Tillotson | Service | Matthew |
The Church's Responsibility Part 2 | Jim Tillotson | Witnessing, Service | Matthew |
Faithful in Small Things | Mark Zimmer | Testimony, Faithfulness | Matthew, Ephesians |
Hell | Jeremy Frazor | Judgment, Hell | Matthew, Luke |
The Cup You Didn't Drink | Mark Kittrell | Communion | Matthew, Luke |
A Fire for God | Jeff Redlin | Work, Service | Nehemiah |
Missions and Spiritism | JD Crowley | Cults, Balaam | Numbers |
Anger | Les Ollila | Anger, Moses | Numbers |
Sanctifying Obedience | Steve Pettit | Obedience, Salvation, Sanctification | Philippians |
Trusting God | John Zimmer | Faith | Philippians |
Integrity | John Vaughn | Honesty, Pride | Proverbs |
How to Reach Your Potential | Jeff Kahl | Obedience, Authority | Proverbs |
Wisdom for the Family | Jeff Kahl | Family | Proverbs |
Work Ethic | David Daniel | Work | Proverbs |
Be a Real Christian | Mark Herbster | Hypocrisy | Proverbs |
God Knows You | Will Galkin | Prayer, Discipleship | Psalm |
Quicken Me O Lord | Will Galkin | Salvation | Psalm |
Fresh Oil | Steve Pettit | Spirit, Faithfulness | Psalm |
A Little Thing that Makes a Big Difference | Tom Farrell | Attitude, Focus | Psalm, Proverbs |
Where Did the Hating Go? | Bob Jones III | Evil,Sin | Psalm, Proverbs |
Rich in God's Blessing | Joe Henson | Sin, Confession | Psalm, Proverbs |
When Everything Looks All Right, But Everything is All Wrong | Ron DeGarde | Obedience, Testimony | Revelation |
The City of God Part 1 | Steve Pettit | Heaven | Revelation |
The City of God Part 2 | Steve Pettit | Heaven | Revelation |
Amazing Grace | Steve Pettit | Justification,Salvation | Romans |
Discovering God's Will | Steve Pettit | Surrender, Discipleship | Romans |
Having an Urban Burden | Matt Recker | Evangelism, Thankfulness | Romans |
Radically Changed | Mark Zimmer | Salvation, Paul, Israel | Romans |
Two Ways to Live | JD Crowley | Testimony, Rebellion | Romans |
The Romans Road is Not the Romans Road | JD Crowley | Evangelism | Romans |
The Cost of Being a Christian | Jeff Kahl | Discipleship | Romans |
Whosoever and They | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Salvation | Romans |
The World's Greatest Need | Phil Hunt | Salvation | Romans |
Salvation in a Savior | Joe Baldwin | Salvation | Romans |
Following Jesus Christ - His Sacrifice | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship, Godliness | Romans |
Divisions | Lucus Counterman | Unity,Essentials | Romans |
The Believer and Redeeming Faith | Leonard Saunders | Obedience, Faithfulness, Salvation | Titus |
Wounds of Christ | John Goetsch | Crucifixion | Zechariah |