Building Great Leaders
Dr. Les Ollila is our speaker on this 30-minute program heard weekdays at 11:30am and 7:30pm.
Building Great Leaders provides instruction, encouragement and resources for Christian leaders. One of its primary missions is to produce effective servant-leaders with hands of skill, hearts for God, and a commitment to serving others.
Recent Programs
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Title | Speaker | Topic | Scripture |
Knowledge | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Power, Fruit | 1 Corinthians |
Jealousy | Dr. Les Ollila | Pride, Fellowship | 1 Corinthians |
Marathon Mindset | Dr. Les Ollila | Commitment, Vision, Endurance | 1 Corinthians |
The Resurrection | Dr. Les Ollila | Resurrection, Evidence | 1 Corinthians |
Laborers Together | Dr. Les Ollila | Unity, Relationships | 1 Corinthians, Galatians |
Overcoming Hindrances Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Love, Authority | 1 Corinthians |
Overcoming Hindrances Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Authority | 1 Corinthians |
Dealing With Differences | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Unity | 1 Corinthians, Acts |
Principles in Ministry Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Principles, Convictions, Purpose | 1 Corinthians, Genesis |
Principles in Ministry Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Principles, Convictions, Purpose | 1 Corinthians, Genesis |
Making Right Choices | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Flesh | 1 John |
Love | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationship, Sacrifice | 1 John |
The Happy Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Solomon, Service | 1 Kings |
The Happy Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Contentment, Leadership | 1 Kings |
The Spirit-filled Wife | Dr. Les Ollila | Submission, Relationships | 1 Peter |
Living Faithfully to Life's End | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness | 1 Peter |
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Testimony | 1 Peter |
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Parenting, Relationships | 1 Peter, Genesis |
David's Shifting Confidence | Dr. Les Ollila | David, Unfaithfulness | 1 Samuel |
In Everything Give Thanks | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Thankfulness | 1 Thessaloniains |
Gifted for the Ministry | Dr. Les Ollila | Discourament, Perseverance | 2 Corinthians |
How to Produce a Biblical Worldview | Dr. Les Ollila | Worldview, Disciplship | 2 Corinthians |
The Grace of God is Sufficient | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Apostleship, Suffering | 2 Corinthians |
The Judgment Seat | Dr. Les Ollila | Incarnation, Death | 2 Corinthians |
Laboring to be Accepted Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Motives, Sanctification | 2 Corinthians |
Laboring to be Accepted Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Salvation | 2 Corinthians |
The Ministry of Paul | Dr. Les Ollila | Reconciliation, Motives | 2 Corinthians |
Spiritual Brokenness | Dr. Les Ollila | Santification, Discipleship | 2 Corinthians |
Living in Light of the Bema | Dr. Les Ollila | Judgment, Works | 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians |
What Makes a Total Marriage | Dr. Les Ollila | Immorality, Commitment | 2 Corinthians, 1 Thessilonians |
View of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Relationships | 2 Corinthians, Romans |
How to Pray for Missionaries | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Prayer, Encouragement | 2 Corinthians, Romans |
Life Touching Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Elisha, Discipleship | 2 Kings |
Steps to Spiritual Maturity | Dr. Les Ollila | Change, Growth | 2 Peter |
The Purpose of Youth Work | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship, Discipline | 2 Peter |
Bitterness - Shimei | Dr. Les Ollila | Authority, Choices, Jealousy | 2 Samuel |
Being a Good Soldier | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship, Faithfulness | 2 Timothy |
Fear | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Timothy, encouragemnet | 2 Timothy |
The Secure Leader | Dr. Les Ollila | Security | 2 Timothy |
Understanding Our Mission Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Purpose, Discipleship | 2 Timothy |
Understanding Our Mission Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Stewardship, Purpose | 2 Timothy |
The Uniqueness of Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Wolrdview | Acts |
Jesus Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Holiness | Acts |
Acts 3 | Dr. Les Ollila | Holiness, Justification | Acts |
Storms | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Providence, Trust | Acts |
Adding to Your Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Purpose, Motivation | Acts |
Perservering Through Difficulties | Dr. Les Ollila | Missions, Discouragement, Evangelism | Acts |
The Only Way of Salvation | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Power | Acts |
Philip the Soul Winner | Dr. Les Ollila | Evangelism, Surrender, Transformation | Acts |
The Church | Dr. Les Ollila | Church, Ordinances, Doctrine | Acts |
Prayer | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Friendship, Paul | Colossians |
The Greatness of Our God | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Prayer, Paul | Ephesians |
The Spirit of Marriage | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Unity, Submission | Ephesians |
The Power of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Power | Ephesians |
Having A Christian Perspective | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Trinity, Glory, Power | Ephesians |
God's Power in Our Lives | Dr. Les Ollila | Gospel, Santification | Ephesians |
Growing the Church in Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Glory, Gospel, Prayer | Ephesians |
Think on These Things | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Reserection, Church | Ephesians, 1 Corinthians |
Music | Dr. Les Ollila | Deference, Worship | Ezekiel, Daniel |
The Freshness of Fellowship | Dr. Les Ollila | Compromise, Repentance, Pride | Ezra |
The Fruit of the Spirit | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Works | Galatians |
No Other Gospel | Dr. Les Ollila | Grace, Works | Galatians |
The Result of Motive | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Attitude | Galatians |
Thanksgiving in Trials | Dr. Les Ollila | Praise, Testing, Sanctification | Galatians, Ephesians |
Living With Afterward in Mind | Dr. Les Ollila | Repentance, Esau, Bitterness | Genesis |
Marriage in Genesis | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Love, Relationships | Genesis |
The Household of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships | Genesis |
5 Keys to Communication | Dr. Les Ollila | Communication, Relationships, Marriage | Genesis |
Tools That Build Relationships | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage | Genesis |
Lessons From Lot | Dr. Les Ollila | Lot, Worldliness | Genesis |
Joseph's Dream | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Surrender | Genesis |
Raising Children With Conviction | Dr. Les Ollila | Training, Discipline | Genesis |
Abraham: the Path To Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Faith, Obedience | Genesis |
How Does A Dream Become Reality | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Contentment | Genesis |
What Matters Most | Dr. Les Ollila | Priorities, Relationships | Genesis |
The Glory of God in Us | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Fall, Creation | Genesis |
Living Your Dream | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Conviction, Faithfulness | Genesis |
The Life of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Abraham, Sacrifice, Following | Genesis |
Lessons from a Caveman | Dr. Les Ollila | Lot, Compromise, Character | Genesis |
Biblical Separation | Dr. Les Ollila | Separation, Obedience | Genesis, 1 Corinthians |
Biblical Manhood | Dr. Les Ollila | Worldview, Evolution | Genesis, Daniel |
Blessings In Protection | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Judgment | Genesis, Deuturonomy, Amos |
The Spirit Filled Family | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Growth, Roles | Genesis, Ephesians |
Embrace Your Mission | Dr. Les Ollila | Idolatry, Glory, Holiness | Genesis, Ezekial, John |
Knowing God | Dr. Les Ollila | Compassion, Motives, Theology | Genesis, Jeremiah |
Habakkuk | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Sovereignty | Habakkuk |
Afterward: The Life of Esau | Dr. Les Ollila | Esau, Repentance | Hebrews |
Balance in the Christian Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Faith, Israel | Hebrews |
The Essence of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Enoch, Faithfulness, Lifestyle | Hebrews |
Winning the Race | Dr. Les Ollila | Endurance, Discipline | Hebrews |
Staying Faithful | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Humility, Repentance | Hosea |
The Three Powers of the Tongue | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Speech | James |
A Single Focus | Dr. Les Ollila | Stability | James |
The Danger of Aloneness | Dr. Les Ollila | Accountibility, Integrity | James |
The Potter's House | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Omnipotent | Jeremiah |
Embracing Your Mission Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Sacrifice, Santification | John |
Embracing Your Mission Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Trinity, Glory | John |
The Believers Relation to the World Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Prayer, Light | John |
The Believers Relation to the World Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Witnessing, Sactification | John |
The Crucifixion | Dr. Les Ollila | Crucifixion | John |
Assurance of Salvation | Dr. Les Ollila | Security | John |
Security in Your View of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Assurance, Salvation | John |
The Presence of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Omnipresence | Jonah |
Devastating Consequences of Hidden Sin | Dr. Les Ollila | Disobedience, Repentance | Joshua |
The Story of Gideon | Dr. Les Ollila | Courage, Forgetful, Mind | Judges |
Two Questions of Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Gideon, Obedience, Faith | Judges |
Samson: The Cost of a Haircut | Dr. Les Ollila | Disobedience | Judges |
The Holy Spirit in the Christmas Story | Dr. Les Ollila, Chris Harper | Incarnation, John | Luke |
Business Lessons from the Unjust Steward | Dr. Les Ollila | Stewardship, Money | Luke |
Why We Are Here | Dr. Les Ollila | Hell, Salvation | Luke |
Living in Broken Ground | Dr. Les Ollila | Parrable, Sower | Luke |
Be An Encourager | Dr. Les Ollila | Encouragement, Communication | Luke |
Living in Balance | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship | Luke |
True Discipleship | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipline, Sacrifice | Luke |
Critical Thinking | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer | Luke, 2 Peter |
You Cannot Be My Disciple | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship | Luke, John |
The Maniac of Gadara | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Transformation | Mark |
The Three Threes of the Christmas Story | Dr. Les Ollila, Chris Harper | Incarnation, Worship | Matthew |
Having Good Courage | Dr. Les Ollila | Compassion, Disciples | Matthew |
Worship in Your Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Idols, Ministry, Priorities, Surrender | Matthew |
Revival | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Ezra, Heart | Nehemiah |
The Importance of God's Word | Dr. Les Ollila | Scripture, Ezra, Preaching | Nehemiah, Ezra |
Lesson On Anger Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Impatience, Relationships, Focus | Numbers |
Lesson On Anger Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Wrath | Numbers |
A Good Legacy Does Not Guarantee a Good Future | Dr. Les Ollila | Ephriam, Compromise | Paslms |
God's Guidance | Dr. Les Ollila | Peter, Confidence | Philipians |
Where Your Confidence Lies | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Following Calling | Philipians, 1 Corinthians |
Doing All Through Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Stephen, Purpose, Paul | Philipians, Acts |
Service | Dr. Les Ollila | Work, Faith | Philippians, 1 Thessalonians |
The Four Necessary Ingredients for Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding | Proverbs |
Three Types Who Reject Wisdom | Dr. Les Ollila | Wisdom, Foolishness | Proverbs |
An Uplook For the Downcast | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, David, Meditation | Psalm |
Dealing with Discouragement | Dr. Les Ollila | Discouragement, Focus, Selishness | Psalms |
The Successful Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Blessedness, Worldliness | Psalms |
From Theocracy to Atheism | Dr. Les Ollila | Theism, Compromise, Atheism | Psalms |
Teaching Teens Prayer | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness, Youth | Psalms |
Finding Satisfaction in Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Asaph, Disobedience, Perseverence | Psalms |
The Blessable Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Godliness Fool | Psalms |
Covenants for the Leader | Dr. Les Ollila | David, Will, Noah | Psalms |
When Normal is Gone | Dr. Les Ollila | Aspah, Depression, Focus | Psalms |
Surrender and Separation | Dr. Les Ollila | Envy, Faithfulness | Psalms |
Focusing Our Attention Outward | Dr. Les Ollila | Asaph, Depression | Psalms |
The Cowardly Ephraimites | Dr. Les Ollila | Carnality, Faithfulness, Obedience | Psalms |
True Greatness | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness, Contentment | Psalms, Acts |
Directing Your Time | Dr. Les Ollila | Priorities | Pslams |
The Christian Perspective on War | Dr. Les Ollila | War, Government, Daniel | Romans |
World Views Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Idols, Theism | Romans |
World Views Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Truth. Humanism | Romans |
Christians in Today's Culture | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Discipleship, accountability | Romans |
Wake Up and Die Right | Dr. Les Ollila | Thinking, Eternity | Romans |
No Doubt | Dr. Les Ollila | Judgment, Paul | Romans, Revelation |
Bitterness - Ruth | Dr. Les Ollila | Naomi, Bitterness | Ruth |