Pastor Gary Walton interviews Jeremy Zajicek on the biblical response to authorities.
Tag: Church
Harvest Time – Security
Pastor Gary Walton interviews Pastor Larry Nagengast and discusses the importance of relying on God to meet your needs.
Harvest Time – Gathering
Pastor Gary Walton reflects on the purpose of the church gathering together on this edition of Harvest time.
Harvest Time – Missions Conference
Pastors Gary Walton and Ken Keith encourage listeners to attend this year's Harvest missions conference from February 9-12.
Harvest Time – Matt Von 2
Pastor Gary interviews Matt Von about hist testimony and the upcoming Discipleship Conference he will be speaking at.
Harvest Time – Matt Von
Pastor Walton interviews Pastor Matt Von over the phone in preparation for his coming to Guam for a Discipleship Seminar.
Harvest Time – Daraven Perez
Pastor Gary Walton Interviews college student Daraven Perez and hears his interest in education and ministry.
Harvest Time – Robert Castro
Robert Castro shares his testimony with Pastor Walton and how his family helps with Harvest Ministries.
Harvest Time – Jon Marshall
Jon Marshall joins Pastor Walton this week on Harvest Time to share his testimony and how God brought him out to Guam.
Harvest Time – Jason Ormiston 2
Summit Speaker Jason Ormiston joins Pastor Walton on Harvest Time to talk about discipleship within the Church.
Harvest Time – Jason Ormiston
Summit Speaker Jason Ormiston joins Pastor Walton on Harvest Time over a phone interview to talk about current and future ministry.
Harvest Time – Bryan Lenartz
Pastor Bryan Lenartz joins Pastor Gary on this edition of Harvest Time as they talk about the church. Download Harvest Time – Bryan Lenartz