Pastor Joe Henson just released an advent devotional called Dawn of Hope. We get an update from the Hensons as he and Pastor Walton discuss the book.
Tag: Jesus
Ransom for All
Disciples of Christ should have a global-mindset in our ministry. We should pray and show concern for all men, knowing Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all.
The Resurrection
There is a fascinating interaction between Jesus and Martha in the account of Lazarus' resurrection. It explains why Jesus had the power to raise him up.
Concerning Himself
After Jesus' resurrection, He meets two men on their way to Emmaus. These disciples need to hear the teaching He provides from scripture concerning Himself.
Festival of Lights 2023
Pastor Walton spoke with Jared Ball and Kelly Nupson this week about their involvement in our Festival of Lights & Living Bethlehem on December 2-3, 2023.
Made Nigh
When we were without God in the world, Christ died for us. He washed away our sins and made it possible for us to have a relationship with His Father.
He Hath Declared Him
The God of heaven came to earth to dwell among men. Our passage of the day talks about this "Word made flesh," who came to die in our place on a cross.
Given to Idolatry
The city of Athens was wholly given to idolatry. Paul took an opportunity he was provided there to teach people about Jesus, the Son of the One True God.
The Right Hand
Jesus is the express image of God's person, the Son of God, without equal, and worthy of worship. And He is the focus of the first six verses in Hebrews.
Everlasting Life
A person with questions about life and death, heaven and hell, or their soul and the future cannot find a better place to begin reading than John 3:16-21.
Who is He?
Regular listeners know that Jesus is the name that crosses our lips more than any other. Today we review New Testament passages asking "who is He?"