Phil Hunt is a missionary to Zambia. He spoke with Pastor Walton this week about surrender, healthy church ministry, and how trials shape our character.
Tag: Missions
Michael and Elizabeth Charley
Michael and Elizabeth Charley are returning to Pohnpei soon to begin a new ministry. Pastor Walton spoke with them about how God has directed their paths.
Cody and Chelesse Custer
Discussing their salvation testimony, family, and journey to Guam, Cody and Chelesse Custer joined us for a conversation with Pastor Walton this week.
Dan and Sharon Roberts
Missionaries to Japan Dan and Sharon Roberts spoke with Pastor Walton this week about growing up, their transition to Japan, and current ministry in Saku City.
James Layomai
Missionary James Layomai spoke with Pastor Walton this week about his salvation, journey into the ministry, and current work on the island of Falalop, Ulithi.
Tom and Carol Phillips
Former missionaries to Chuuk, Tom and Carol Phillips join Pastor Walton this week. They discuss their journey in ministry and current burdens for the island.
Clayton and Linda Eliam
Pastor Walton spoke with Clayton and Linda Eliam about coming to Christ, their early years at HBBI, and their current ministry on the island of Pohnpei.
Nathan Mestler
Pastor Nathan Mestler was our special speaker at the 2023 Missions Conference. This week he and Pastor Walton discussed the church and a call to ministry.
Missions Conference 2023
Pastor Nathan Mestler will be the special speaker at our 2023 Missions Conference. He spoke with Pastor Walton via phone this week to preview the event.
William Joel
Pastor Walton sat down with Missionary William Joel to discuss God's faithfulness in his ministry to Micronesia and to provide an update on his life in Pohnpei.
Harvest Time – Zimmer
Mark Zimmer was in the studio with Pastor Walton this week. They discussed some recent trials, missions ministry, and their joyous return to Yap.
Harvest Time – Zimmer Message
Missionary Mark Zimmer has been friend of the ministry for many years. Today we feature a message he presented at the church a few years ago.