Carol Trahan used to teach at Harvest. She is back on-island to speak at our Ladies Seminar. Larry and Jackie Nagengast speak with her about it on this episode.
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Chris Harper: Welcome to Harvest Time. My name is Chris Harper, and our guest host on this program this week is pastor Larry Nagengast. Every week, we spend these twenty five minutes together telling the stories of our church, interviewing our members and other friends of the ministry. We’d like to invite you to join us at Harvest Baptist Church this week. There are two services every week.
The first at 08:45AM, the second at 10:45AM. We have Japanese and Korean translation available during that 10:45AM service, and that’s also when we live stream at, This week, Pastor Ken Keith will be speaking on For the Cause of Christ in the lead up to our missions conference. Let’s begin today’s Harvest Time by welcoming our guest host, Pastor Larry Nagengast. Hi, Pastor Larry.
Larry Nagengast: Thank you, Chris. Great to be with you this morning, and we are so excited to have one of our former staff members. Carol Trahan is here with us and my wife, Jackie. Carol is here to speak at our ladies seminar that’s happening this weekend, but she’s also a former staff member from 2011 to 2016. Carol taught in our academy and our college, and we’re so excited to have her back.
And I just I know a lot of you might not know her, and you might be new to Harvest, and so I’m gonna have her tell us a little bit about herself and how she came to Christ and really how she got to Harvest that first time. Carol, welcome to the program. Great to have you.
Carol Trahan: Thank you. It’s good to be back. A lot of good memories, a lot of fond memories. So I I did not grow up in a Christian home. I didn’t have that privilege.
I had good parents, moral parents. But, growing up in San Francisco, when I became a teenager, bought into a lot of wrong philosophies and, went to college, was pre med, wanted to be a doctor. But the Lord had other plans. So as I went to this secular college, there were some very zealous Christians on that campus, and they were unashamedly sharing the gospel. And I remember looking up at a banner that said Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
And I’m thinking, well, who what are they talking about? And over time, I had taken a flight, had somebody witness to me on the plane, wanted to get off the plane, but couldn’t get away from him. And then I ran into the same person at the baggage claim and on my flight back and then went to a a Christian play. And, through the testimony of the of the college, it was a one evening and I remember asking my roommate who was a Christian, didn’t know it sadly to say, but I said, what is this about Jesus Christ coming back? She shared with me what it means to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
I told her I was okay. I was a good person, which was a lie. But the next morning happened to be a Sunday. Of course, no accidents with the Lord. So I went with her to church.
I didn’t ask her. I went with her. I don’t remember much about the sermon, but they shared the gospel and I was under tremendous conviction. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was a sinner. I was lost and I didn’t know what to do.
And as the pastor gave the gospel, I struggled, a lot of pride in my heart, but I finally, by God’s grace broke and turned from my sin and received Jesus Christ as my lord and savior. I still remember the prayer that I prayed and my life was transformed from a life of being in the world and a life of immorality to following the Lord Jesus Christ. So that’s how I accepted Christ as my savior.
Larry Nagengast: Wow. And then you finished at that college with a major in biochemistry?
Carol Trahan: Biochemistry. That’s correct. I I ended up not being a doctor. I then, you know, pursued some was gonna pursue some further training in chemistry, but ended up getting married, had children, and that put the gabash on that for a while. And then the Lord, you know, by his grace, called my husband and I to Northland Baptist Bible College.
My husband died in 1994. I’m I’m not gonna go into that. I might share a little bit at the seminar on that. But, through that, God showed himself mighty in ways I could not even explain to you. I had a seven year old, a five year old and was nine weeks pregnant when he died and, the Lord did marvelous things.
So I was able to serve at Northland for almost twenty years. And then, the Lord brought me to Guam. Tim Watson, many of you may remember him, Tim and Bonnie Watson, but he came out in 2009 to Northland asked if I would come to Guam. I said, no, I don’t think so. And then, in 2010, he tried again.
And at that point, the Lord had gotten my heart. And of course, Pastor Marty Herron and his wife were here. Love them. Sweet, humble servants. So I came out in 2011, had the privilege to teach here till 2016.
And then, the Lord brought me back, to The States.
Larry Nagengast: Wow. So What a story. And you came out and how many kids did you come out with?
Carol Trahan: Just my my my baby who’s 30.
Larry Nagengast: Your’re baby. Okay.
Carol Trahan: she was, as I recall, 16 when we came out here. My oldest was was serving in Romania, but she came out in 2013 to teach K-4. And then my son at that time, had been in the army, had been deployed to Afghanistan, but then he was he was done.
But I came out with Rebecca, and she actually took her last two years here before she went on to Bob Jones University.
Larry Nagengast: And what did you teach here when you came? What did you I’m sure you taught a lot of things. That’s how the ministry is.
Carol Trahan: I taught advanced placement chemistry. I taught, the regular chemistry. I taught life skills. I also I’ve taught in so many places I sometimes forget. I don’t believe I did psychology here.
No. That was another location. And then I also did, some of the HBBC. Taght them a lot of.
Larry Nagengast: Like women of the word, I think.
Carol Trahan: Women of the Bible, women counseling women.
Larry Nagengast: Oh, yeah.
Carol Trahan: Some of those, philosophy of Christian education. So, just a rare privilege.
Larry Nagengast: Lucy remembers you. I talked to Clinton and Lucy today and she remembers having you. So I
Carol Trahan: remember I remember Aninta
Larry Nagengast: Yeah.
Carol Trahan: So very well.
Larry Nagengast: There are so many people here, Carol, that have fond memories of you and excited from academy students you had to to HBBC kids and we’re so excited you’re here.
Carol Trahan: Me too.
Larry Nagengast: Alright. I’m gonna turn over to Jackie for a little bit. She’s gonna talk about the Ladies Seminar, give us some details on that this weekend, and then maybe ask a few more questions of Carol.
Jackie Nagengast: I just wanna say I’m so excited you’re here. Me too. A little bit of background about how I know you or how I first met you, Carol, was at a five state teacher convention, and we met in Indiana. I I don’t know if you remember.
Carol Trahan: I don’t remember that. Wow.
Jackie Nagengast: You were, sharing with the ladies your story at one of the churches and we all came in. It was a full auditorium. And you shared your background and your testimony that you have. And, of course, it’s very, very powerful. For one thing, I felt like I don’t know how anyone could even stand up and share the things that you shared because they were so difficult to go through.
But the greater message was that God had a plan through all of that to bring you forth and to make you who you are today and to allow you to share your testimony that is so powerful that lets people know there’s nothing too hard for God. There’s nothing impossible. Absolutely. Right? And so then, when we started coming here, you were here.
We made a connection each time. We would come visit. My husband and I would visit. And so when it was time for Ladies Seminar you I’m sure the Lord brought you to my mind right away. You were the first one that came to my mind that I would love to have come out here and share with the ladies at the seminar tomorrow.
So I’ll give just a little bit about the seminar. We do have a bonfire tonight. It’s at 06:00 and Carol will be there. She’ll be sharing, with the ladies there but we’ll just have a real light sweet time of fellowship around a bonfire and making s’mores and whatnot. And then tomorrow is is the meet and that’s from 08:00 to 03:00, here at the church.
Our ladies from our church are invited, ladies from other churches on the island are invited, and others that maybe are not affiliated with our church. So if you come, you’ll be able to pay at the door and come on in. We’ll have three sessions with Carol, and we’ll have a breakfast and a lunch, and we’ll just have, a really great time together tomorrow. So I wanted to, mention that if there’s anyone listening that would think that’s what I need. I need to come and be a part of that.
Please come. You are welcome. I’d just like you to share maybe a little bit about how the Lord has burdened your heart, for tomorrow and, maybe the types of things you’ll be speaking on to the ladies.
Carol Trahan: Okay. It’s interesting you mentioned that Indiana. I I don’t remember that. I know I spoke at a lot of teachers’ conventions. And it’s interesting because the messages will line up right with what God did.
After my husband died, I was asked in 1996 to share my testimony. It was actually Tammy Herron and a couple of the ladies. And when they asked me that, again, it was pretty close to, you know, because I had been pregnant. I had my daughter Rebecca in May of ’95, and I were thinking, I’m not gonna do that. What are you asking me to do?
And but they said, no. We believe God wants you to do this. And I did. And that’s and that’s that’s how the Lord launched this ministry. And it wasn’t anything I ever sought, but, you know, I went recently and visited my husband’s grave after thirty years.
It was, I, and he, he was buried in California, so it’s a little distance from South Carolina. And when I did, you know, the tears, the pain, you know, when you lose your your spouse, the pain is always there. You know, part of you dies, but God is so faithful. And I said, Lord, I could I could choose to wallow him and and be bitter, but I choose rather to focus on your utter faithfulness these three years, thirty years, thirty years of God’s and he’s always faithful. So, the first session, and again, God really burdened my heart to the importance of being anchored in Christ because the Lord had allowed me the privilege for the first three years I was saved to be discipled by two people who taught me a passion for the Lord and a passion for his word.
I mean, they burned that into me and poured their lives into me as a college student. And that’s been my passion as a teacher. I’m retired now, not from ministry, from teaching, but the first message anchored in him. The word anchor is an ancient metaphor for stability or a safeguard, a stay, something that you hold fast to. And in this world of doubt and a lot of struggles and evil, things we don’t understand, we have to anchor our soul to the unfailing faithfulness and character of God.
So we’ll be talking about that. I’m gonna use Ephesians 1, what it means to be in Christ. I’m gonna go into quite a bit of detail there. And then Hebrews 6, to flee for refuge, to the anchor of your soul. Your hope is embodied in Jesus Christ, and it’s not the hope we think of, well, I hope this happens.
No. It’s it’s sure. It’s steadfast. So that will be the first session. The second one is delighting in Christ.
You think about we delight in a lot of things. Going to the beach. I mean, that’s what Guam is known for, the beautiful beaches, a lot of things. But my emphasis is gonna be what it means to delight, to take pleasure, exquisite. The word literally means almost to be pampered, luxury, to find your satisfaction, your your solace, and to find how wonderful the Lord is.
So that will be the second session. We’ll be doing some, scripture out of Psalm 18 as well as Psalm 37. The last session is resting in him. Be still and know that he is God, not complacency. Well, I’m gonna rest, so I’m gonna take it easy.
No. What it means to rest in who God is, what he has done, you know, the scripture passage, come unto me all you that labor and heavy laden. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. I’m meek and lowly in heart.
You will find rest for your souls. His yoke is easy as burden is light. So that’s gonna be the emphasis tomorrow, on the messages. And I hope and pray there’ll be a blessing. It’s not about me.
It never is. It’s all about the glory of God. It’s what he has done, who he is. Mhmm. And so that’s that’s the goal is that they would see Christ.
Jackie Nagengast: Amen. This seminar has been bathed in prayer, Carol, long before you ever arrived last evening. Many months we’ve prayed for this and so we know God is faithful and going to answer those prayers. And there are needs that will come and there are various needs that will come embodied in the people that walk through the door. But we know God knows every one of them and he will take your message that he’s given you, his message in you and apply it to them individually, specifically to touch their lives and meet the needs of them.
You talked about ministry. You were teaching when I knew you and when you were here in Guam. But since then, you’ve ceased teaching in the school and you have a different ministry or you’ve taken on.
Carol Trahan: Yes. In other words, in, after I left Guam, I took, that was a season of trial. I had had breast cancer and so they I returned to South Carolina. I’m not a South Carolinian. I was born and raised in California, but I returned there because that’s where my doctors were.
And and so that that was a season of trial of, the Lord again bringing me to dependence on him, which is a wonderful place to be. I mean, the flesh hates it. You don’t want it, but it’s one of the most treasured places to be. One of the the couple that discipled me, I’ll never forget the gentleman had lost his wife and his son. And I mean, it was a horrible situation.
His son is had actually murdered, you know, his his his wife. And I I’m not gonna go into the story, but just this man had such faith and trust in God. That impacted me. And he’s the one who said through the trials treasure, treasure this time. And so that was a time of trial.
So for two years, I actually worked in the hospital just in the food nutrition, just seeing patients. I wasn’t teaching and just, again, being in a world seeing the hurting and the people who were in the hospital. I I worked on the cancer ward. I worked in several areas where these people were opportunities. Even though I couldn’t directly share the gospel, I could pray with them.
Jackie Nagengast: Mhmm.
Carol Trahan: And so the Lord did that. And then in 2018, I went back to teaching international boarding school for one year at, back at Northland and then finished at Killian Hill Christian School. And then COVID hit. And, when they asked if I would teach both in person and online, I thought, so that was a little challenging. So, and then the Lord made a way, through the the loss of my mother.
She was 95, but to retire from teaching. So now I am very much active in my local church, which I love. They’ve also been praying. Mhmm. And so I have a lot of ministry through them as well as I still do this travel and speak, that God has called me to.
Larry Nagengast: So where do you live now?
Carol Trahan: I live in Greer, South Carolina.
Larry Nagengast: Okay. Yes. Okay. And what church are you there?
Carol Trahan: Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Larry Nagengast: Okay.
Carol Trahan: Okay. So it’s doctor Gary Reemers.
Larry Nagengast: Yep.
Carol Trahan: And, love it. Love the ministry there. They allow, you know, their people to minister freely. So I have a lot of opportunities,
large widows ministry there and, a lot of teaching opportunities. And then, of course, the ministry of speaking. And then my family, that’s a primary I now
Jackie Nagengast: I was hoping to move into that subject because I thought you might want to share a little bit about your family.
Carol Trahan: Okay.
Jackie Nagengast: Some of us know Sarah and remember her.
Her life has changed. You’ve entered grandma
Carol Trahan: Yes. Good. So my daughter, Sarah, taught here from 2013 to 2016. She taught, K-4 here and loved it. And, before that, she had been a missionary in Romania.
And then she, after she left here, she came primarily as a ministry to me. And then she was with me and then she, married, my wonderful son-in-law, who I absolutely love. He is he’s he just I’d always pray that God would give her someone very special because of what she had been through. And he is a man who who loves her, I believe as Christ loved the church. Oh.
He is so good to her. He’s so good to my my, my grandchildren. And so he they were married, but, not their plan, God’s plan. You know, nine months and two weeks later, they had Madeline. And then ten and a half months later, they had a set of twins.
Larry Nagengast: Oh my.
Carol Trahan: And so and now she’s expecting number four. So when the when number four is born, there’ll be four two and a half and under.
Larry Nagengast: Now wait a minute. Do they live near you?
Carol Trahan: Three hours. But believe me, it’s a I do that often.
Jackie Nagengast: So I’m sure you do.
Larry Nagengast: I bet they love to have you do that often.
Carol Trahan: Yep. And I I love it. It’s a lot of driving, but, you know, I have that opportunity. My son
Jackie Nagengast: You’re chitty chitty bang bang. You fly right over there.
Carol Trahan: My son, most people who knew me knew knew the fact that he does not know the Lord. He had chosen to, was very bitter over what happened with his father. But God, worked. He’s still not a believer, but he came about I’m trying to remember about two, three years ago. And he asked my forgiveness because he he had put us through a lot and he asked his sister’s forgiveness.
And so and he’d had a child. So I’m involved with my grandson. And so he’s living in Greenville, which he said he would never do.
Larry Nagengast: Wow.
Carol Trahan: So God is working there, but still doesn’t know the Lord. And then my youngest, Becca, she was a student here. And I I will put this plug in for Harvest. She said, mom, I was taught so well. She says that when I went and did my English at Bob Jones, I breezed
Larry Nagengast: Yeah.
Carol Trahan: Through because she said I was taught so well. So, she’s now married. She married a graduate of BJ and she and Matt, live also in Greenville. So they’re all pretty
Larry Nagengast: Oh, that’s neat.
Carol Trahan: pretty close.
Which is a blessing, you know, so very thankful.
Jackie Nagengast: God has blessed tremendously in your family
Carol Trahan: Yes.
Jackie Nagengast: And just you being able to be with them.
Larry Nagengast: Okay. Carol, thank you so much for being with us and coming back to Harvest. We’d welcome you. Ladies, there is still an opportunity for you to come either to the bonfire tonight or to the seminar tomorrow from eight to three at Harvest. It’s, $30 at the door that covers breakfast and lunch, and you will have a wonderful time fellowshipping and hearing what God says tomorrow.
Carol, so good to have you again. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. To be here.
Jackie Nagengast: Thank you.
Chris Harper: And thank you for listening to Harvest Time. Of course, if you’re if you’re, listening on the Friday evening broadcast, you do have, time to, come on Saturday morning. If you’re listening to the Sunday morning, rebroadcast of this harvest time, then you’ll you’ll have missed the ladies seminar. There are many other ladies’ activities that you’ll be able to participate in perhaps. We’d invite you to services at Harvest Baptist Church on Sunday.
08:45AM is our first service. 10:45AM, our second service. We have Japanese and Korean translation during the 10:45AM service, and that’s also when you can listen live here on 88.1 FM and Hope to see you this Sunday. Thanks again for listening to Harvest Time.