Endure All Things

Paul was an example to Timothy because he ministered to others without considering himself. He was able to endure all things and focus on Christ.

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Endure All Things

2 Timothy 2:8-13

  • The Apostle Paul is speaking to Timothy in our passage of the day
  • You’ll recognize the context if you caught yesterday’s lesson
  • We find Paul speaking more of himself here
  • Making note of his commitment to continue in service for Christ
  • Despite the difficulties of persecution
  • And you may be familiar with the beatings and imprisonments he endured
  • Paul is an example for Timothy
  • And an example for us
  • As he thinks, not of himself, but of others who believe
  • Or will believe as a result of his ministry
  • Those that he calls the elect or the chosen
  • For these, he will “Endure All Things”
  • That is our theme, from 2 Timothy 2:8-13
  • In the verses immediately preceding our passage of the day
  • Near the beginning of this chapter
  • We find Paul saying that Timothy should teach what he taught
  • To pass along the doctrines he declared among many witnesses to faithful men
  • So that those men could also go forth teaching
  • The teaching is, of course, Christ and Him crucified
  • How that His death, burial, and resurrection can provide a means of salvation
  • Providing we place our faith in Him, receive Him
  • When we do, we must follow
  • That means knowing Him and knowing His teachings
  • Paul starts with details of his teachings
  • Then speaks of his own journey as a disciple
  • Let’s read this entire text, then look at each verse…

2 Timothy 2:8-13

8  Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: 

9  Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. 

10  Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 

11  It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: 

12  If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: 

13  If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. 

  • This passage speaks of the regular difficulty of serving Christ
  • Paul had his share of experience with persecution
  • And he was encouraging Timothy here to be a good soldier
  • To endure hardness, as it says earlier in the chapter
  • His words were not hollow
  • He was enduring himself, daily
  • It was worthwhile for Timothy to take note
  • The same can be said for us
  • Let’s look closer at the details…

2 Timothy 2:8

8  Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: 

  • The gospel Paul set out to proclaim included Christ’s resurrection
  • Meaning, He literally died, and He literally resurrected from the dead
  • Jesus was the promised seed of David
  • The One foretold in Old Testament scriptures
  • Who would save His people from their sins
  • And also be a light to the Gentiles
  • This gospel is the one Timothy was to proclaim
  • To pass along to faithful men
  • And it was the gospel empowering his life to face whatever hardships would come
  • We know they came to Paul…

2 Timothy 2:9

9  Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. 

  • Trouble of many kinds came to Paul for his faith
  • He was treated as an evil-doer
  • Not for doing evil, but for doing good
  • For boldly proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • For insisting He raised from the dead
  • He was imprisoned for teaching truth
  • He was often beaten
  • And his life was under nearly constant threat
  • Paul was not unique
  • Many at this time faced persecution for Jesus’ name
  • And many in our day face this kind of persecution
  • While we enjoy freedom to speak and teach the gospel in our country
  • On our island
  • This is not so the world over
  • Many can imagine imprisonment in their future
  • But, even when God’s people are locked up
  • Often when many are being locked up
  • The word of God still goes forth
  • Persecution has, historically, had a multiplying effect
  • Because the word of God is not bound
  • It can take deep root in the hearts of those who hear it
  • Many times because those proclaiming it are bound
  • Yet they continue praising and clinging to Him
  • The credibility of the saints is elevated in these times
  • This was certainly true for the Apostle Paul
  • That is why he says…

2 Timothy 2:10

10  Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 

  • Paul endured because there were people yet to be saved
  • Remaining in their sins
  • Still not knowing the transforming power of the gospel
  • And knowing Jesus himself
  • The wonder of rest in the hope of eternal life
  • Paul desired to pass that hope along
  • Not just because he loved them, but because He loved God
  • And had a mission to serve Him
  • Timothy had, and we have, the same mission
  • And our thankfulness for salvation should overflow into ministry to others
  • We should love them as He loved us
  • And determine to keep going through testing and trial and torment
  • Because Christ is worthy of our perseverance
  • And souls are worth exerting effort to reach
  • And we should remember the next verse…

2 Timothy 2:11

11  It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: 

  • To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord
  • To live is Christ, to die is gain
  • We have the hope of the resurrection
  • Therefore, when we face persecution, we can do so with hope
  • We shall live with Him
  • Taking our lives is the worst the enemies of Christ can do
  • But this is not the end
  • It is the beginning of our life in glory with Him
  • This is the hope any ministry of Christ can have
  • Without wavering
  • As the passage goes on…

2 Timothy 2:12-13

12  If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: 

13  If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. 

  • The suffering saint can look forward to reigning with Him
  • Certainly, no one must deny Him
  • By the way, this is to persist in denying Him
  • It’s not just to deny Him once under pressure
  • We know Peter denied Him three times
  • Yet Jesus went on to say to Peter, if you love me, feed my sheep
  • And He did, faithfully
  • If we fail in our belief
  • He does not fail
  • He remains faithful
  • He cannot deny Himself
  • Paul was enduring all things
  • No matter what came his way for the sake of Christ
  • Timothy was to do the same
  • We must do the same

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