Joe and Marla Baldwin

Former staff members Joe and Marla Baldwin join Pastor Walton this week. They discuss family, ministry, discipleship, and their lives since leaving Guam.

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Episode transcript:

Chris Harper: Welcome to Harvest Time. My name is Chris Harper, and our host on this program is pastor Gary Walton, the lead pastor of Harvest Baptist Church. Every week, we spend these 25 minutes together telling you the stories of our church by interviewing our members and other friends of the ministry. We’d like to invite you to join us at Harvest Baptist Church this week. We have one service for 1 more week.

It’s at 10 AM. We have Japanese and Korean translation during that service, and so we hope to see you at 10 AM this week. We also livestream at that time at This week, the final session of God Still Moves, lessons from the life of Elisha from 2nd Kings 13 14 through 21. Let’s begin today’s harvest time by welcoming pastor Gary Walton.

Hi, pastor.

Gary Walton: Hey. Hafa adai, Chris. This is the final week of a summer series. We’ve been just walking through the life of Elijah out of 2nd Kings. It’s been fantastic, talking about God’s power and the question of whether the same power that Elisha observed in his mentor Elijah in 2nd Kings chapter 2, whether that could actually be fulfilled in his own life.

And so we’ve been asking that question, does does God still work in people’s lives in in the ways that he did in the Old Testament? How do we see God’s work in our life as well? And so, it’s been a really fantastic study and God’s been working in the life of our church this summer. It’s been great. This Sunday, we’re going to summarize the whole series and then we’re going to look at the final chapter of Elisha’s life conclusion.

And I think you’ll be encouraged. We’d really like to invite you to come. As Chris mentioned, next week, we’ll go to 2 services, back into 2 services in the fall. And then actually, our guests, that are with us today, Joe and Marla Baldwin. Joe will actually be preaching the following week.

I’ll try to remind you about that at the end of our session today. But, I’m really glad, Joe and Marla, thank you for being with us on harvest time and being back on Guam. Welcome, first of all.

Joe Baldwin: You. Thank you. Glad to be back.

Gary Walton: Joe and Marla were, here on staff, for about 10 years longer than that. Right? 12. 12 years. Yeah.

12 years. Between 2,004 and 2,000 16. Mhmm. Joe was a head of our maintenance, our department, and Marla, I think, ran everything anyway. So, but together, disciplers love God, love his church, and serve so faithfully.

And we’re privileged to have them back, so thankful that they’ve been willing to come back. Joe is actually going to be leading our sessions, our primary sessions at our orientation. Our staff is beginning the ramp up for the new school year with the academy and the Bible College. And, we spent a few days together just with the staff and we asked Joe and Martha if they would come back and Joe is going to lead some sessions just of encouragement and challenge

Joe Baldwin: I love this place. I love the people. We you know, and people have shown us so much love since we’ve come back. It’s just wonderful.

Gary Walton: And, Marla, you have some family here. Right?

Marla Baldwin: Yeah. A little bit.

Joe Baldwin: Yeah. It

Marla Baldwin: feels hot Yeah. And humid, but it’s nice. And you guys are so gracious to give us such a nice place to stay while we’re here. And, of course, our family, Jared and Tammy Baldwin, Zach and Christy, Kayla and Q Ramirez. Yeah.

Family. Lots of family and lots of babies. So, yeah. I’m happy.

Gary Walton: Yeah. They’ll be here for, maybe almost a month. Both connect with family, helping out with, some things around, the ministry and just encouraging us. And it’s already been felt, so we’re thankful for that. I can’t wait for people that are newer to Harvest to get to know you even in this way.

You are loved here. People that have been around speak so highly of you and the ways that God uses them personally in lives. Your pre harvest life was filled, Joe, for you, in the contracting business, you’re vice president of an electrical company. So a number of those things. How did God end up calling you to Guam?

Joe Baldwin: Well, it was, it was a wrestling match, actually. We we raised our family, got all 3 of our children married, and then we did what middle class, middle aged people do. We went out and bought a big house across from the golf course. We’ve arrived. My plan is in place, 55, we’ll start traveling the world.

Now we’ve got a son in Guam. So I believe it was 2,002 the first time we came to Guam and we really didn’t come to see Jared. We came to see our 3 grandchildren.

Gary Walton: Well, of course. That sounds about right.

Joe Baldwin: And they treated us so well. We golfed and all kinds of things. And the last day, Doctor. Herron, Pastor Herron invited me to go golfing with him. And I’m sitting on the golf cart with him about the 7th hole.

I’ll never forget it because he said, Joe, why don’t you just come out to Guam and help us? And I got a knot in my stomach that would I thought I was gonna be physically sick. And I remember in my heart saying, oh god. You don’t want me to move to Guam. I mean, we’ve we’re comfortable.

And so that started the wrestling match, you know. And so I went to Marla. I said, hey. They want us to move to oh, let’s go to Guam. Oh my god.

Are you kidding me? And, I’ll be honest with you, and I I’ve shared this many times. I I could come up with all kinds of excuses. But the truth was deep down I didn’t want to lose my comfort. I was scared and, I just wrestled with God with it.

Every night I woke up thinking about Guam and I’d say, well, God, what about this? What about this? And they worked so hard. They were so gracious. They waited for me to come.

They really believed that we were supposed to come. And so we flew back a year later to visit our kids and Doctor. Herron said, Joe, I’ve held this position open for a year. I really believe you’re the guy. But if you say no, I’m going to give you one more month to pray.

If you say no, I’ll never bother you again. Because, you know, when somebody’s inviting you and you really don’t, you know, it felt like pressure, but it wasn’t. But we visited the children. I was still wrestling with the whole decision. She was ready to move.

Every time I got in the car, she’s playing, HBBC music, you know, island music. And, but we walked in church the Sunday after we got home. They were having the missions conference. The music was playing and and I don’t know why it was at that moment services hadn’t started, people were visiting, and my heart broke. And that’s what I needed.

I needed it needed to be broken. And when it broke, I said, God, I’m sorry. If you want me to go to Guam, we’ll leave today. And it was like the lights turned on and all the anxiety and the excuses disappeared and excitement took its place. I went and grabbed her.

We went forward and told god we’re coming. And, man, 4 months later, 5 months later, we’re ongoing.

Gary Walton: Marta, what about you? Sounds like you were ready earlier to come.

Marla Baldwin: I was. I was ready earlier. At the time we were asked to come, there was a couple here that, Bonnie and Tim Watson. And during that year that he was struggling, Bonnie and Tim were coming through our area. And so I invited them to stay with us because I thought in my mind that maybe them being there would somehow convince him to, yeah, give it a, you know, give it a consideration.

Right? But it didn’t. And Bonnie and Tim were just so sweet. They did stay with us. But we talked around everything else.

And we just didn’t even talk about Guam because he was just very closed to that, idea. But anyway, my thinking was, yeah, it wouldn’t be that hard because my wheels start turning, oops, at, what to get rid of, how to get ready.

Gary Walton: Right.

Marla Baldwin: My plan is always like, okay. This is a this is gonna be a project. So I started kind of slowly getting rid of things, and we had just bought that house. We hadn’t lived in it very long. And I was a real estate agent, so it was pretty easy to turn that house over.

As a matter of fact, I sold it to another agent within, like, a day or 2 days, something like that, and for the full price. So we were good with that. And then all of our stuff started going away, and everybody that came and brought trailers and picked up furniture and took stuff away, it was like, one more thing gone. I could, you know, we can kinda start fresh when we get to Guam. So that was fun.

Packing a tray packing a container and bringing it out was also fun because it was like starting over again. Right. So, you know, it was just like a big adventure. And by the way, we were only 49. We weren’t, like, 55.

You you said something about 55. We were 49 turning 50. And and really the people from the outside looking at us not understanding about

Joe Baldwin: Of course.

Marla Baldwin: Going to a foreign field or going somewhere didn’t really get the idea why did you wait till you’re 50 to do this, you know. And they could understand our kids being here, but just the fact that we would sell everything and move so far away, you know, leave his parents, we’re still living and all that. It was just it was hard to explain, but, you know, with that kind of thing just I don’t know. They just had to they just had to figure it out. It wasn’t us.

But, anyway, so we had a had a good time getting ready and traveling and exciting.

Gary Walton: Yeah. It’s no question that it is harder. I mean, in this conversation I’ve had with many people about ministry here, it is easier for a young couple, than it is for someone like you guys. And God’s brought us people at, you know, some, later stages in life because we need that. We need experienced people in a number of roles, but it’s harder for sure.

There’s more connections. There’s more things you’re leaving behind. But Joe, you said something to me when we were talking earlier that I just loved about how you felt about the those 12 years here.

Joe Baldwin: What did you Oh, I, I was told harvest needs you. But after I got here, God kept breaking me and I came to the conclusion harvest doesn’t really need me. Anybody can do the vocational things I’m doing, but I needed to be here so god could change my heart, and he did. He he he brought me into such a deeper love for him, and and I’ve said this over and over and over. I almost let fear of change keep me from the best 12 years of my life.

Because once I got God started changing me and I started looking at people rather than all the projects that need to be done. God just gave me a deeper love for him, for his word, and for people. And then I began to see that power you talk about, people’s lives being changed, people getting saved. Oh, I can tell you the most fruitful period of my life was those 12 years I had. People come up to me and ask me how to get saved.

We had people in the jail, people in the prison, and every time I’d get discouraged, I’d be somewhere and somebody would come up to me and put their big brown arms around me and say, pastor Cho, don’t you remember me? You led me to Christ, you know. So I just praise God. I told Gary this. I’ve told doctor Herron this.

I and I’ve told the Lord this almost every day. Thank you for not pulling that opportunity away. And I’ve I’ve spoke this in churches. I believe the churches are full of people God wants to do in their lives, what he did in our life, but they’re afraid. Change is a big deal for a lot of us, not for her, but for me, it is.

I like everything in my plan. But if you’ll let go of that and just say, okay, God, whatever you want, you will experience supernatural power changes in love, and, it’ll change you for the rest of your life. And that’s what happened to us. Harvest. God used harvest to change our lives.

Gary Walton: Amen. Thank you. That’s amazing. My heart is blessed. You have, I think, I don’t know.

I was going to say remarkable testimony. Every testimony of salvation is a work of God, and it’s miraculous. But I know, people that don’t know you, we’d love to hear that. Tell us about how you too came to know the Lord and what god used in that in that, on his drawing, you to himself.

Joe Baldwin: Marlon and I met high school, early high school. Neither one of us came from a Christian background. And so we really didn’t have any real spiritual guidance. We felt, I felt like it was love at first sight. And but, you know, being young teens without any guidance, we got ourselves into trouble.

The next thing you know, we’re gonna have a baby and we’re not married and I’m still in high school and she is, and what are we gonna do? And through the help of our families, we got married. You know, they wanted and there’s another story that she shared with me. They wanted Marla to terminate the pregnancy and don’t marry that loser. And that was the words.

She said, I’ll never give up my baby and I believe Joe loves me and we’re going to get married. And God was in that. We didn’t know him. You know, we didn’t know what was gonna happen. And

Gary Walton: Marla, can I ask you about that time?

Joe Baldwin: Sure. Yeah.

Marla Baldwin: Well, I was 16 and he was 17. It was actually a family member that offered to pay for an abortion. And so, I I didn’t consider it seriously. I went to my doctor or the doctor, it was a new doctor actually, and the doctor after talking to me about the pregnancy and all he said I know you’re young but if you even think about that, I want you to come back and talk to me. Now this man was a Christian, didn’t know it at the time.

He said, I want you to come back and talk to me because I don’t think that’s a good idea. You know, gave me some influence. I needed that. I needed a strong man doctor in that position to say that to me. Had I had another, I probably still wouldn’t have done it because I just, in my heart never could think about doing that.

But, anyway, so it was tough. We had to tell well, we told his mom first and she took me to the doctor. Then after we found out I was pregnant, we had to tell my parents. And my dad was just, oh, he was broken. He was so upset with us and cried and I’d never seen my well, I’d seen my dad cry one other time.

But anyway, my mom was upset but accepted it and then they, you know, we all just within a week, we planned a wedding. Right? We just went to a judge’s, took his parents, my parents. We got married, lived a little bit with my parents, lived a little bit with his parents, had the baby.

Gary Walton: Still in high school?

Marla Baldwin: Still in high school. Well, I dropped out because,

Joe Baldwin: sure,

Marla Baldwin: I I had friends that went ahead and stayed in high school expecting babies. It was like, it was like a plague. A plague of 16 year old pregnancies in those days. It was it was weird. They started even making nurseries in high school for babies so that these mommies could go to school and put their babies in a nursery, but I didn’t wanna do that.

So I kept my little job and I it wasn’t hard, and I kept this little job and made a little bit of money, went through the whole pregnancy. He graduated from high school. I went to the graduation 9 months pregnant. Oh, that was so hard to do. But anyway, and, you know, we’ve been married 53 years now.

We went to our 50th anniversary or 50th reunion and nobody could believe we were still together. And we funny thing, they we didn’t recognize one person at that reunion. We looked around and went, who are all these old people? We don’t know who any of these people are. And 1 by 1, they’d come up to us.

They go, we can’t believe you’re still married. Really? What? What? We’re so proud of you guys.

And I’m going, well, it just seemed like a natural thing. We didn’t come from divorced families, so we thought, okay, you’re in this marriage for life. You’re not gonna leave you’re gonna get through the hard times, the struggles. We’ve had 3 kids and it’s been a huge huge blessing.

Joe Baldwin: But what helped us was her willing to stick with it.

Gary Walton: Yeah.

Joe Baldwin: Well, we’ve been married 9 years and it was all falling apart. I had become a drunkard is the best way to say it. I was self centered. I I was working construction, going to the bar every night, and not a good father, not a good husband, and she kept hanging on and hanging on and hanging on. And, finally, she said she had had enough and that shook my little world.

And then I don’t know what happened, but I believe the Lord just slapped me in the face one day. I got up, I staggered into a bathroom, I looked in the mirror, and the person I saw in the mirror scared me. And I was 26 years old, and I thought, who’s that dying man? And then I realized it was me. And after that moment, I had no rest, no peace, anxiety, fear of death, fear of life.

I thought, man, I can’t go on living like this with this empty hole. What is going on? And so I started searching. I dragged Jared, this 7 year old or 8 year old boy, to the Mormon church, which my parents had been in, and no answers. I read self help books, but the only time I didn’t feel this emotional empty pain was when I was drunk.

Yeah. And I was drinking to hide the pain and then that made it worse, you know. And one day I said, God, God, if you’re real, please send somebody to help me. Send an angel. And because I was thinking about, if this is life, I don’t want life, but I’m scared to die.

And you know what? God sent somebody. He heard that prayer. I mean, the next 6 months was I call hell on earth. It got worse and worse and worse.

But when I was ready, God sent the right guy. Kansas City fireman, Bob Donovan, knocked at our door one night. What I was doing at home, I don’t even know. And I remember I was drinking and the kids were fussing and we had been fighting and I saw a car pull in our driveway and I thought nobody comes to our house at night. And I honestly thought it was police And I looked out.

We’re peeking out. She goes, who is it? Who is it? I said, they got bibles. Oh, no.

My mom has sent the Mormon church. You know? No offense to any Mormons, but but a couple of guys from a Baptist church a couple blocks over came in, worked like a team. The younger guy took our kids in another room, started playing games so Bob could sit down and focus on us. And after all the small talk, he zoomed in on me first.

He said, Joe, let me ask you a simple question. If you die tonight, will you go to heaven? And I’ll be honest with you. I I I was so miserable. I said, Bob, I got one foot in hell already.

Wow. And, he goes, but you don’t wanna go to hell. I said, of course not. I don’t know what to do. And, he turned to her and he said, what about you, Marla?

She goes, I’m going to heaven. That kind of set me back a step and and she goes, I’m a good person. And it’s true. She goes, I’ve held this family together for 9 years. I don’t do and she pointed right at me.

She still does that once in a while. I don’t do the things he does, and all of it was true. So then Bob opened the book, showed us both we’re sinners. You know, I didn’t have you didn’t have to convince me. He took a little convincing with her, but but the scripture the scripture took us through the plan of salvation, explained it, showed us pictures and tracks and read the scripture, had me read the first Bible verse I’d ever read out loud in my life, John 3 16.

And then he asked very pointed questions. He said, Joe, can you think of any reason why you wouldn’t wanna take Christ as your savior? And I remember my response to that one too. That’s the best deal anybody’s ever offered. Went down on my knees, 4136 North Kansas Avenue about 7 o’clock at night and December 11, 1980.

And I said this, I didn’t even know how to pray. So I just said, God, I’m sorry. I’m a mess. I’m 26 years old and I messed up my life, but I believe you’ll forgive me. Would you forgive me, Lord?

And I said, Jesus, I believe you died for me and you rose again. Would you come into my life? Would you come into my heart and save me? And, man, when I looked up, I didn’t see flashing lights or anything like that. But one thing I noticed, that big old empty hole I felt didn’t seem to be there anymore.

Then she got down on her knees and prayed a very similar prayer. She got up. We’re looking at each other. What’s happened here? What’s happened here?

You know what we did? We stayed up all night talking to each other about our problems, our marriage, our kids, our is this really gonna change? You know? And you know what? It changed.

God changed us from that moment on. Oh, we had struggled. Believe me. But we had Jesus to lead us through it all.

Gary Walton: Marla, if I remember right from your story, you also had some people that came along then with you just to sort of mentor and disciple you.

Marla Baldwin: Yes. We did. We had, it was the assistant pastor associate pastor at the little church we were going to. He and his wife came along and, boy, did they help us. She showed me what a real patient mother

Joe Baldwin: was.

Marla Baldwin: Because my my mom, she’s a good good woman, but she worked all the time. She was busy. You know, she wasn’t as patient. A lot of stuff got kinda dropped on me because I was the only girl, which was fine. I learned a lot that way, but too but this woman, Pat Proviance, she just just had me over constantly.

We cooked together. We talked. She taught me that broken, you know, broken vases and broken dishes, they have no eternal value. She that was just like like, oh, wow. I guess that is true.

They don’t have eternal value. She got some antique broke one day, and I by a little one of the kids. And I just she told me that, and she goes, Marla, it’s of no eternal value. She goes, your children are what you’re gonna leave this earth with. You know, you need to be just focusing in on them and their life and caring for them and being patient with them because I wasn’t a very patient mom.

I was pretty much imitating what I had seen growing up. Right. Of course. Anyway, that was that was wonderful. And then there were other women through the years that I met and imitated and followed and just loved, you know, them.

We we had gone to many times seminars and things, so we got to, got to meet. And all these saints, all these women, these wives of these saint these men that would come to harvest and speak, missus Jones and just different ones. And then there were just, you know, our sweet Filipino friends here, and some of these women are just, like, so such to be honored, really. Just to be honored. They are just so such good

Gary Walton: Saturated with Jesus.

Marla Baldwin: Oh, yeah.

Joe Baldwin: Passion.

Marla Baldwin: Yeah. We just felt like we were really held up, you know, and and supported and so very, very much supported. But in those young years, it was a couple of ladies in the states that wouldn’t let wouldn’t let us go. Invited us to everything. The man that led us to the Lord, his wife was Jackie, was just passed away last summer And she was, she was fun, but she was firm.

It turned out she was our kids’ bus driver.

Gary Walton: Okay.

Marla Baldwin: So she knew about kids, you know, and she had raised 5 of her own. But she was just one of the most godly women that I had ever been around and easygoing and made things work. And that’s what I like. I like to take take a little and make it work if I can, you know. I’m not

Joe Baldwin: Very hospitable and and Bob and Jackie, who had Bob had led us to Christ, every Sunday morning met us on the steps of the church, set with us a new believers class, which I’m a firm believer. Churches should have those. And and then every Sunday night, we went to their home for ice cream and they’d have different families from the church that we had never met and he’d have us share our story

Gary Walton: every Sunday night

Joe Baldwin: with the different families in the church. And so they never let go of us. We started going on vacations with them and things like that and it just kept us on the right path, the right direction.

Gary Walton: I love that whole story, you know, from the brokenness before Jesus to somebody being willing to be a messenger of the gospel, your salvation, the discipleship of the church afterwards. It’s just really

Marla Baldwin: Well, you think about it. Your neighbor could be Right. Sitting there just like Job. Yeah. Miserable, doesn’t know what to do.

God, you’re real. Come and send somebody to talk to me. And, you know, you could be the if you’re the neighbor of someone like that, you could be the one

Gary Walton: Yeah.

Marla Baldwin: To go in and just show them love, and you don’t have to, you know, interrupt them or be, forceful about it even. It’s just they watch your life and maybe they wanna know, but they’re a little bit shy about asking, you know, be available be available for that. So Amen. Yeah.

Gary Walton: If I remember right, your your story, your testimony, was recorded on, Unshackled. Unshackled. Right?

Marla Baldwin: Yeah. Yeah. That was fun.

Gary Walton: Yeah. So how do you find that if somebody wants to hear the rest of it?

Marla Baldwin: Well, you just Google Unshackled. Joe and Marla. No. I wouldn’t do it that way. There is another unshackled, thing out there.

And sometimes that pops up and you don’t wanna go there. But if you go to Joe and Marla Baldwin maybe slash unshackled or just unshackled, it will bring you to a 2 part, thing you can listen to. My part was the first one. For some reason, they put my mine on first, and then his was second, but it tells you the whole story up to coming to Guam.

Gary Walton: Alright. I wanna encourage people to, go and listen to that. That’s great.

Marla Baldwin: That was fun.

Gary Walton: I mentioned earlier that, Joe’s gonna be preaching next Sunday, in both of our services. So, I’d like to invite you to come. God’s hand is on him. He’s got a heart for people. Like, invite you to come to that.

And then people want to know, so what happened after you left here? Just real quick. And what’s going on right now?

Joe Baldwin: Well, we first went to Virginia where our daughter is. We, got a little living space there with them, built it ourselves, and then started reaching out, found a local church that we could be a part of, and put my name on a list of where I could go out and preach. There’s so many rural churches without pastors. We were in rural Virginia. So we just tried to be active in ministry.

I came alongside our pastor who had nobody, not even a secretary, and I started going on visitation and doing things like that. And of course, he would have me preach and teach and we did some camps and then we’d travel. Missouri, we have family in Missouri and we had our old church there and of course they would always invite us back. Tried to mentor my grandchildren, took one to Guatemala on mission trip. Christmas, they have a parade in that little town.

About 800 people line up on the streets. Me and my grandson, we just went through passing out tracks, every person in that town. Just whatever opportunity God would give us, we would try and take.

Marla Baldwin: And then we went to, after about, what, 5 years there? 4 or 5 years, 6 years there. I can’t remember. We were supposed to be retired, Right? But Faith Baptist Bible College called us, called him and said, would you consider coming out and helping us do some work around campus because we’re getting ready for our 200th and 100th.

1 100th and it seemed like 2.

Joe Baldwin: Yeah. Because it was so long.

Marla Baldwin: But, anyway, go and help with some major some pretty big projects to get ready for this celebration. And, he said, okay. I’ll come out. And they said a couple of months and I we said, okay, we’ll come out for a couple of months. And, after we’d been there a couple of months, they said, would you just make this your home base?

Would you like to just make this your home base? And then you can come and go as you need to, and you can work for maintenance a little bit if you need to or want to or whatever. So it was pretty, not it was a pretty nice deal. And so we really liked that. So they gave us a place to live.

And we actually we get to live right next door to pastor Olloa.

Gary Walton: Oh, man.

Marla Baldwin: Charlene and, Les Olloa. And that is wonderful. And Marty Herron and Tammy Herron are in that little community and we go to church with them and we go out with them all the time. And so there’s, and Megan and Joaquin Pena, they’re there now. So there’s and Tim Pratt.

Joe Baldwin: Guam connections.

Marla Baldwin: So tons of Guam. Yeah. Tons of people that came from all over and came to Guam at one time or another. And then for some reason, they’ve ended up in Ankeny, Iowa with with us. So that’s where we’re at now.

And about half the year, we’re trying to spend in Southern Texas because we have family down there and some really good connections down there too in a church. So Yep.

Gary Walton: Well, there’s something about that Guam family that you just can never leave. It’s with you forever, and we’re great we’re grateful for that. Thank you guys again for being willing to come. Thank you for your service here for those many years. I mean, we know the blessings that god’s, showering on harvest now are the result of the seed and the soil that had been, you know, tilled up and over all those years continuing to bear fruit.

We’re thankful for that. And thank you for coming these weeks. We’re excited

Marla Baldwin: Yeah.

Gary Walton: About what’s gonna what God is doing is gonna do through you. Okay.

Joe Baldwin: Thank you for having us. Thank you. It’s a blessing.

Chris Harper: Well, thank you for listening to Harvest Time. Of course, at this point in the program, we always just wanna personally invite you again to the 10 AM service, Sunday morning at Harvest Baptist Church. It’s our final week, of this summer doing a 10 AM service only. We’ll be back to 2 services next week. We really hope to see you there, this week.

Thanks again for listening to Harvest Time.

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