A man, unable to walk for 38 years, is waiting for healing near the pool of Bethesda, when Jesus arrives and asks “wilt thou be made whole?”
Harvest Time – Rabanals
Pastor Gary interviews the Rabanals about their life and testimony on this edition of Harvest Time.
Come and See
In John 1:43-50 Philip tells Nathanael what he believes about Jesus. When a question is raised, Philip simply says "come and see."
Aged and Young
Godly character crosses all age and gender boundaries, but men and women are equipped in different ways, and equipped in different ways at different ages.
Forget Not
To forget is common to man. We are a forgetful people. Thankfully, God has provided reminders in His word. This Psalm is a good place to start.
Whole Duty
If things done for ourselves are empty, what then can be done? What is it that is meaningful? These two verses (Ecclesiastes 12:12-13) tell us.
Harvest Time – The Christmas Experience
Pastor Gary Interviews Pastor Bryan Lenartz about the upcoming Harvest event - The Christmas Experience.
I Will Follow
Do we have a desire to follow Jesus and have we made this known to Him and to others? If so, have we considered what it will mean?
He Had Compassion
The test of our neighborliness is not in proximity, it is a test of our compassion that must certainly come forth of commitment to the God of compassion.
Harvest Time – Pegarido 2
Pastor Walton interviews Brandon and Carina Pegarido about their long history with Harvest and how it has affected their lives.
Sent Forth
In the church at Antioch, as we find it in Acts 13, there are men committed to local ministry. As we read, we observe the Holy Spirit prompting them beyond!
Harvest Time – Rhee
Pastor Gary interviews Earl Rhee about his life, testimony, and current work. He is also helping with translating sermons live for Harvest Baptist Church.