Pastor Gary interviews the school's principals to see how they are adjusting to the pandemic and what they are hoping will change in the future.
A Wicked Generation
In a wicked generation, Noah walked with God. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord and he chose obedience in extraordinary circumstances.
A Fire for God
This Harvest Echoes podcast features Pastor Jeff Redlin and a 2015 Summit Meeting message from Nehemiah two, called "A Fire for God."
Trust in the Lord
Proverbs 3:5-6 are two of the most-quoted verses in Christianity. They are well-known because they sum up, in a few words, God's mandate for disciples.
Harvest Time – Raab
Pastor Gary interviews Dr. Jeremy Raab about his time in the military and in ministry, where he shares his desires to help in medical missions and foster care.
Consider One Another
If we are a member of the body the Bible calls the church, what are our responsibilities? Two verses in Hebrews 10 will help us "Consider One Another" today.
A Father’s Instruction
In the passage we examine today, Solomon gives instruction to his children. Among other things, Proverbs 4 urges them to pursue wisdom and understanding.
Harvest Time – Green
Pastor Gary interviews Rhonda Green, medical missionary to Micronesia, to discuss past and current ministry opportunities.
His Yoke
Today we're going to be talking about the Bible's mention of a farming implement. Jesus tells us what it means to take up his yoke in Matthew 11:28-30.
The God Who Revives
Today, we're going to travel with Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones, where God will ask him (in Ezekiel 37:3) can these bones live?
Harvest Time – Galkin
Pastor Gary interviews Will Galkin on his experience with evangelism and church planting.
Take Up Your Cross
Denial of self is a radical concept for any individual, but it is one of the keys to successful discipleship. Jesus says "Take Up Your Cross" in Mark 8.