We look back at the 1970's on today's show, have another quiz, and learn a little about the recent #Brexit vote.
Live ’til Five – Fathers
We look ahead to Father's Day with a quiz, "dad jokes," and more.
Live ’til Five – Weather
It's the Culture Vulture's last show, old friends visit, and we hear some amazing facts about the weather.
Live ’til Five – Winning
We try out a new segment and feature new friends on today's broadcast, plus talk a little about winning.
Live ’til Five – Memorial Day
We discuss Memorial Day and scrutinize the host's grammar once or twice this week.
Live ’til Five – Graduation
We discuss the amazing story of Leicester City FC today and focus on the graduation season in our second hour. Download Live ’til Five – Graduation
Live ’til Five – Vacations
We talk culture while drinking coffee in the first hour, then discuss the ‘Guam Killer’ and summer vacations in hour two.
Live ’til Five – Sugary Drinks
We’re drinking coffee, but we’re talking soda, pop, soft drinks, and other sugary beverages.
Live ’til Five – Earth Day
Today we talk Earth Day, and feature regular segments, including Stranger Than Fiction and This Day in History.
Live ’til Five – Ice Cream
Nick Brown was back today with a hilarious idiom game, plus we talk Iditarod and ice cream.
John Collier, 20th Anniversary
We had the opportunity to chat with former station manager John Collier via Skype for our 20th anniversary. Download John Collier’s 20th anniversary interview
Live ’til Five – Librarian Month
Librarian Bob Shuck joins us to talk about the Lang Memorial Library at Harvest and various topics related to School Librarian Month.