Local Christian Radio for Guam
Many hours of local, Christian programming are produced in our studios every week. Each one is intended to point listeners to Jesus Christ and His word. Thank you for listening!
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Subscribe to the Take Note Podcast
We discuss a theme or topic from the word of God between songs every weekday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live on Take Note. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.
We click publish every Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 PM.
Our latest podcasts and full program downloads can be found here.
Post Thanksgiving KHMG Live ’til Five Holiday Drop-In
This week we had the PTKLTFHDIBDSTLOAP where people from the community were invited to join us in the studio for some refreshments and special interviews.
Thanksgiving Memories with the LTF Crew
This week Jared, Seth, and Kayla join us for the whole show. They enjoyed the normal segments, and stayed for some special Thanksgiving history and memories.
Harvest Offering 2024
Pastor Ken Keith and Dr. Scott Hughes join us this week to discuss the ways in which this year's Harvest Offering will be used to reach people for Christ.
Great Challenges and Great Grace with Andrew and Bonnie Dongon
This week Andrew and Bonnie Dongon join us to recap their life this past year from Bonnie's cancer battle, adopting Landon, and celebrating her full remission.
Josh and Jessica Thaler
New staff members at Harvest Josh and Jessica Thaler sat down with Pastor Walton this week to discuss their recent move, family, and service in ministry.
Future Leaders with HCA Seniors Peter, Yungjie, and Caleb
This week Peter, Yungjie, and Caleb join us to talk about life as HCA seniors, their advice for younger students, and what they plan on doing 10 years from now.
Mel and Cat Ngiratumerang
Pastor Walton spoke with Mel and Cat Ngiratumerang this week about raising a young family to follow God and feel at home in the local church.
Cooking up a great interview with Chef Selah Chong
This week Chef Selah Chong joins us to talk about graduating from Harvest, her experience at GCC, and then getting her diplomas from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris.
Jason and Janelle Johnson
Special speakers for Harvest House events this week Jason and Janelle Johnson join us today. They discuss their family and foster parenting ministry.
We post regularly on Instagram! We hope these images communicate our love for Guam and remind us of our great Creator.