Local Christian Radio for Guam
Many hours of local, Christian programming are produced in our studios every week. Each one is intended to point listeners to Jesus Christ and His word. Thank you for listening!
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Subscribe to the Take Note Podcast
We discuss a theme or topic from the word of God between songs every weekday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live on Take Note. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.
We click publish every Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 PM.
Our latest podcasts and full program downloads can be found here.
Harvest Time – Hensons
The Henson men join Pastor Herron this week to talk about surprises, family, technology, and Christian ministry.
Live ’til Five – Persecution
Your favorite segments this week, plus "Something Interesting from Sebastian," a special guest, and a serious note about persecution.
Harvest Time – Brooks
Speakers at our Family Life Weekend, Pastor Danny and Kristen Brooks join us this week to discuss family, ministry, and life-change.
Live ’til Five – Circus
The closure of Ringling Brothers prompts this week's Live 'til Five theme, as we discuss the origins of the circus and its history.
Live ’til Five – 200
Live 'tile Five celebrates a milestone this week! Episode 200 features all of your favorite segments, and visits from some old friends.
Live ’til Five – Iowa
Today we are joined by Mark Davis of Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa. His home state is our focus on the program.
Live ’til Five – Years Passed
Jared Baldwin is back this week with all of our regular segments and a discussion on resolutions and predictions from the past.
Harvest Time – Dr. Sam Horn
Dr. Sam Horn was in the studio this week discussing students, today's culture, and education from a Christian worldview.
Live ’til Five – The New Year
Lawrence Nagengast is our fill-in host on this edition, as we discuss the new year with its resolutions and new opportunities.
We post regularly on Instagram! We hope these images communicate our love for Guam and remind us of our great Creator.