Believers in Christ should not be surprised by persecution. Jesus told us we would face persecution. What should our disposition be when a fiery trial comes?
Category: Take Note
Every day from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live, we ask you to Take Note of a theme or topic from the word of God. The podcast version is a 10-minute recap.
Good Days
Even disciples of Christ that suffer persecution can love life and have good days according to 1 Peter 3. We take a closer look at the details on this edition.
As He Walked
People who know Christ as Savior ought to walk as He walked. That means obeying His commands, while maintaining a close relationship with Him every day.
Well Able
When things get difficult in Numbers 13, the people of Israel take their eyes off God. They see only their circumstances and fail to see the promises of God.
The Resurrection
There is a fascinating interaction between Jesus and Martha in the account of Lazarus' resurrection. It explains why Jesus had the power to raise him up.
To Serve
The scriptures explain why and how every Christian is expected to serve. In this episode, we define the word and discuss three things to remember about it.
We look to the scriptures to explain a common word in the New Testament: exhort. Texts in Acts and Hebrews help us understand this important duty for disciples.
From the Heart
Our passage of the day in Romans 6 reminds us why and how we are able to have victory over sin through Christ. It says we can obey daily from the heart.
Concerning Himself
After Jesus' resurrection, He meets two men on their way to Emmaus. These disciples need to hear the teaching He provides from scripture concerning Himself.
Great Gulf
The rich man in Luke 16 had a life of comfort and ease, while in eternity he suffered only torments. Why did the beggar Lazarus experience exactly the opposite?
Made Nigh
When we were without God in the world, Christ died for us. He washed away our sins and made it possible for us to have a relationship with His Father.
Have Not Charity
In Christian ministry our speaking, gifts, understanding, and even our faith mean nothing if we have not charity. We discuss what that means in this episode.