After Jesus' resurrection, He meets two men on their way to Emmaus. These disciples need to hear the teaching He provides from scripture concerning Himself.
Category: Take Note
Every day from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live, we ask you to Take Note of a theme or topic from the word of God. The podcast version is a 10-minute recap.
Great Gulf
The rich man in Luke 16 had a life of comfort and ease, while in eternity he suffered only torments. Why did the beggar Lazarus experience exactly the opposite?
Made Nigh
When we were without God in the world, Christ died for us. He washed away our sins and made it possible for us to have a relationship with His Father.
Have Not Charity
In Christian ministry our speaking, gifts, understanding, and even our faith mean nothing if we have not charity. We discuss what that means in this episode.
He Hath Declared Him
The God of heaven came to earth to dwell among men. Our passage of the day talks about this "Word made flesh," who came to die in our place on a cross.
With Gladness
We spend some time in a well-known Psalm on this edition. It encourages believers to sing, serve, thank, praise, and bless the Lord. Because He is good.
Given to Idolatry
The city of Athens was wholly given to idolatry. Paul took an opportunity he was provided there to teach people about Jesus, the Son of the One True God.
Led of the Spirit
The works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit are opposites. They are contrary. But what do these works look like? Today we find out from Galatians 5.
In All This
The story of Job is a difficult one to read and identify with. He faced calamity, disaster, hardship, and pain, but did not charge God foolishly in all this.
The Right Hand
Jesus is the express image of God's person, the Son of God, without equal, and worthy of worship. And He is the focus of the first six verses in Hebrews.
Exceedingly Mad
Paul stands before King Agrippa in Acts 26. He tells of his fury against the disciples, which he maintained until the day he met Jesus on the Damascus road.
Yielding Fruit
According to Jeremiah 17, a person who trusts in the Lord can be compared to a tree planted by the river, which is strong and yielding fruit, even in adversity.