Pastor Walton spoke with Dr. Bob Jones III this week about some of his ministry highlights and his lifelong mission to train college students for service.
The God of Peace
The world's definition of peace often lacks something - or rather someone - the God of Peace. We'll discuss Jehovah-shalom from Judges 6 on this Take Note.
Mine Honour
The Lord rebukes His priests through the prophet Malachi in Malachi 1:6-12. Today we discuss polluted offerings and the believer's duty to offer God our best.
Tom and Carol Phillips
Former missionaries to Chuuk, Tom and Carol Phillips join Pastor Walton this week. They discuss their journey in ministry and current burdens for the island.
Clayton and Linda Eliam
Pastor Walton spoke with Clayton and Linda Eliam about coming to Christ, their early years at HBBI, and their current ministry on the island of Pohnpei.
Because He Believed
The details of this well-known story of Daniel are not always explained. We spend some time in Daniel 6:1-23 on this Take Note Podcast to have a closer look.
Nathan Mestler
Pastor Nathan Mestler was our special speaker at the 2023 Missions Conference. This week he and Pastor Walton discussed the church and a call to ministry.
The Rain Descended
Jesus tells us about two kinds of people in Matthew 7:24-29. They have different foundations, and their foundations determine the outcome of their lives.
Missions Conference 2023
Pastor Nathan Mestler will be the special speaker at our 2023 Missions Conference. He spoke with Pastor Walton via phone this week to preview the event.
Cliff and Marie Paulin
Pastor Ken Keith is our guest host this week. He spoke with Cliff and Marie Paulin about coming back to Guam and serving faithfully in ministry at Harvest.
Love Your Enemies
Jesus asks us to do a couple of impossible things in Matthew 5:43-48. Why and how should we love our enemies and be perfect, as the Father is perfect?
Fear and Great Joy
Disciples of Christ come face to face with an angel at Jesus' tomb. They are told He is risen, just as He said. Not long after, they see the risen Christ!