Local Christian Radio for Guam
Many hours of local, Christian programming are produced in our studios every week. Each one is intended to point listeners to Jesus Christ and His word. Thank you for listening!
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If you have comments or questions about our programming or ministry please reach out.
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Subscribe to the Take Note Podcast
We discuss a theme or topic from the word of God between songs every weekday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM live on Take Note. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.
We click publish every Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 PM.
Our latest podcasts and full program downloads can be found here.
Harvest Time – Dr. Jim Tillotson
On this edition, Pastor Walton has a discussion with the President of Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA, Dr. Jim Tillotson.
HBC Summit Meetings LIVE
We'd like to invite you to listen to the Harvest Baptist Church Summit Meetings, Monday through Wednesday September 24-26 at 7:00pm.
Harvest Time – Mark Kittrell
Director of Pacific Rim Missions, Mark Kittrell joins Pastor Walton to talk about ministry in the Pacific and his years of work with Harvest.
Live ’til Five – POW/MIA
Pastor Jared Baldwin is back to discuss POW/MIA Remembrance Day, plus a special guest arrives to enjoy some hot apple cider.
Harvest Time – Psalm 46
Pastor Gary Walton and Pastor Jared Baldwin join us in the midst of the storm to talk about Psalm 46 and its application for our lives.
Live ’til Five – Storm Stories
Sebastian Basaldua is our fill-in host as we focus on storm stories with special guest PC, our regular segments, and some audio theater.
Live ’til Five – Candy
This Live 'til Five is sweet! Not only was our topic candy, but we were delivered an epic carrot cake by our official LTF baker, Mrs. Basaldua.
Harvest Time – Family Academy
We bring you into our Wednesday evening Family Academy classes on this Harvest Time, focusing on Conversational English and Parenting.
Live ’til Five – Law Enforcement
From Alaska State Troopers to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, we discuss law enforcement on this Live 'til Five. (With all of our regular segments.)
We post regularly on Instagram! We hope these images communicate our love for Guam and remind us of our great Creator.