Tony and April Angoco spoke to Pastor Walton this week about the events God used to bring them to Christ and a recent trial that tested their faith in Him.
Tag: Salvation
He Hath Declared Him
The God of heaven came to earth to dwell among men. Our passage of the day talks about this "Word made flesh," who came to die in our place on a cross.
Exceedingly Mad
Paul stands before King Agrippa in Acts 26. He tells of his fury against the disciples, which he maintained until the day he met Jesus on the Damascus road.
Ryan and Nicole Myhre
Pastor Walton is joined by Ryan and Nicole Myhre this week. They discuss their salvation, trying to find a good church, and eventual call to the ministry.
The Rain Descended
Jesus tells us about two kinds of people in Matthew 7:24-29. They have different foundations, and their foundations determine the outcome of their lives.
Warren Han
Pastor Walton spoke with Warren Han this week about growing up in South Korea, coming to know Christ in college, and growing as a disciple every day.
Vivian Gapith
Pastor Walton has a conversation with Vivian Gapith this week. She talks about her journey to faith in Christ, her family, and her career in the Navy.
Christine Sellew
Pastor Walton spoke with Christine Sellew this week about growing up on Guam, coming to know Christ, leaving the island for a time, and her 2018 return.
One Sinner
When a lost sheep is found, there is joy. "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."
Everlasting Life
A person with questions about life and death, heaven and hell, or their soul and the future cannot find a better place to begin reading than John 3:16-21.
Harvest Time – Zimmer Message
Missionary Mark Zimmer has been friend of the ministry for many years. Today we feature a message he presented at the church a few years ago.
Harvest Time – Borja
Guest host Bryan Lenartz speaks with Ben Borja. Ben faced difficult challenges in his teen years, eventually trusting Christ as Savior at the age of nineteen.