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The first of our podcast offerings is Harvest Time. It features interviews with members of Harvest Baptist Church and other friends of the ministry. Your host is Pastor Gary Walton.

Pastor Jared Baldwin hosts the Live 'til Five podcast, which is the on-demand version of our Friday talk and variety program featuring interviews, leadership lessons, and lots of fun.

The Take Note Podcast features a ten-minute summary of a recent episodes of Take Note live.



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Harvest Time

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Overcoming Hindrances Part 2Dr. Les OllilaLove, Authority1 Corinthians
Laborers TogetherDr. Les OllilaUnity,1 Corinthians
The ResurrectionDr. Les OllilaResurrection, Evidence1 Corinthians
Marathon MindsetDr. Les OllilaCommitment, Vision, Endurance1 Corinthians
JealousyDr. Les OllilaPride, Fellowship1 Corinthians
KnowledgeDr. Les OllilaRelationships, Power, Fruit1 Corinthians
GideonBrian CarruthersFaith, Gideon1 Corinthians
What Right Does God Have to My Body?Tom FarrellPurity, Creation, Surrender1 Corinthians
Act Like MenDanny WhetstoneVictory, Faithfulness1 Corinthians
Build a Glory Driven LifeSam HornGlory, Mission1 Corinthians
Greatness of Christian RedemptionDr. Doug McLachlanRedeemer1 Corinthians
Marks of Wisdom in a Godly ManDr. Doug McLachlanCompassion, Courage1 Corinthians
Dealing With DifferencesDr. Les OllilaPaul, Unity1 Corinthians, Acts
Principles in Ministry Part 1Dr. Les OllilaPrinciples, Convictions, Purpose1 Corinthians, Genesis
Principles in Ministry Part 2Dr. Les OllilaPrinciples, Convictions, Purpose1 Corinthians, Genesis
LoveDr. Les OllilaRelationship, Sacrifice1 John
Making Right ChoicesDr. Les OllilaFocus, Flesh1 John
The Happy ServantDr. Les OllilaContentment, Leadership1 Kings
The Happy ServantDr. Les OllilaSolomon, Service1 Kings
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 2Dr. Les OllilaMarriage, Testimony1 Peter
Living Faithfully to Life's EndDr. Les OllilaFaithfulness1 Peter
The Spirit-filled WifeDr. Les OllilaSubmission, Relationships1 Peter
Brokenness: The Way to BlessingJohn VaughnTestimony, Trials1 Peter
1 Peter SeriesDr. Doug McLachlanChrist, Suffering, Faith, Salvation, Values1 Peter
Triumphant in TrialsDr. Doug McLachlanPersecution, Joy1 Peter
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 1Dr. Les OllilaMarriage, Parenting, Relationships1 Peter, Genesis
Biblical EvangelismDr. Doug McLachlanEvangelism, Gospel1 Peter, Matthew, 1 John
David's Shifting ConfidenceDr. Les OllilaDavid, Unfaithfulness1 Samuel
How to Get Answers from HeadquartersTom FarrellHannah, Prayer1 Samuel
The Life of DavidCarson FremontDavid1 Samuel, Psalms
In Everything Give ThanksDr. Les OllilaPrayer, Thankfulness1 Thessaloniains
The USA in Bible ProphecySteve PettitProphecy, Judgment1 Thessalonians
Ready for the RaptureJohn GoetschSalvation1 Thessalonians
Manifesting a Life that MattersSam HornFamily1 Thessalonians
Departing GraceFG HomsherDeath, Paul1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians SeriesDr. Doug McLachlanChurch, Love, Hope, Faithfulness1 Thessalonians
The Body We CherishDoug McLachlanChurch1 Timothy
The Road to RevivalJohn GoetschSalvation, Prayer2 Chronicles
Saved or LostJeff RedlinSalvation, Enemy2 Chronicles
Spiritual BrokennessDr. Les OllilaSantification, Discipleship2 Corinthians
The Ministry of PaulDr. Les OllilaReconciliation, Motives2 Corinthians
Laboring to be Accepted Part 1Dr. Les OllilaPaul, Salvation2 Corinthians
Laboring to be Accepted Part 2Dr. Les OllilaPaul, Motives, Sanctification2 Corinthians
The Judgement SeatDr. Les OllilaIncarnation, Death2 Corinthians
The Grace of God is SufficientDr. Les OllilaPaul, Apostleship, Suffering2 Corinthians
How to Produce a Biblical WorldviewDr. Les OllilaWorldview, Disciplship2 Corinthians
Gifted for the MinistryDr. Les OllilaDiscourament, Perseverance2 Corinthians
Brokenness: The PromiseJohn VaughnPaul, Prayer, Discipleship2 Corinthians
Taking the Message to the Regions BeyondJohn O'MalleyEvangelism, Missions2 Corinthians
The Most Important Decision You Will Ever MakeTom FarrellSalvation2 Corinthians
The Heart of PaulKevin InafukuLove2 Corinthians
A Consideration of The Subject of ReconciliationDr. Doug McLachlanSeperation, Sin2 Corinthians
Living in Light of the BemaDr. Les OllilaJudgment, Works2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians
What Makes a Total MarriageDr. Les OllilaImmorality, Commitment2 Corinthians, 1 Thessilonians
How to Pray for MissionariesDr. Les OllilaPaul, Prayer, Encouragement2 Corinthians, Romans
View of GodDr. Les OllilaSalvation, Relationships2 Corinthians, Romans
Life Touching LifeDr. Les OllilaElisha, Discipleship2 Kings
Living On Eternity's EdgeMatt ReckerElijah, Evangelism2 Kings
The Purpose of Youth WorkDr. Les OllilaDiscipleship, Discipline2 Peter
Steps to Spiritual MaturityDr. Les OllilaChange, Growth2 Peter
7 Marks of a Growing FamilyCurt LamanskySanctification, Family2 Peter
The Life Which Honors GodDr. Doug McLachlanPower, Godliness, Promises2 Peter
Bitterness - ShimeiDr. Les OllilaAuthority, Choices, Jealousy2 Samuel
Is the Young Man Safe?Jeremy FrazorDavid, Consequences2 Samuel
Understanding Our Mission Part 1Dr. Les OllilaStewardship, Purpose2 Timothy
Understanding Our Mission Part 2Dr. Les OllilaPurpose, Discipleship2 Timothy
The Secure LeaderDr. Les OllilaSecurity2 Timothy
FearDr. Les OllilaPaul, Timothy, encouragemnet2 Timothy
Being a Good SoldierDr. Les OllilaDiscipleship, Faithfulness2 Timothy
Them That Love His AppearingGary AndersonSecond Coming, Service2 Timothy
Four Marks of a Good SoldierMark HerbsterDiscipleship, Spirit2 Timothy
2 Timothy 3Dr. Doug McLachlanApostasy, Faithfulness2 Timothy
2 Timothy 4Dr. Doug McLachlanPreaching, Witnessing, Second Coming2 Timothy
2 Timothy 2Dr. Doug McLachlanServan, Steward, Sacrifice2 Timothy
Glory of the WordDr. Doug McLachlanScripture, Sacred2 Timothy
2 Timothy 1Dr. Doug McLachlanSalvation, Faith, Sanctification2 Timothy
The ChurchDr. Les OllilaChurch, Ordinances, DoctrineActs
Philip the Soul WinnerDr. Les OllilaEvangelism, Surrender, TransformationActs
The Only Way of SalvationDr. Les OllilaSalvation, PowerActs
Perservering Through DifficultiesDr. Les OllilaMissions, Discouragement, EvangelismActs
Adding to Your FaithDr. Les OllilaPurpose, MotivationActs
StormsDr. Les OllilaPaul, Providence, TrustActs
Acts 3Dr. Les OllilaHoliness, JustificationActs
Jesus ChristDr. Les OllilaSalvation, HolinessActs
The Uniqueness of ChristDr. Les OllilaSalvation, WolrdviewActs
God Doesn't Waste SeedDanny WhetstoneEvangelism, SpiritActs
MissionsDanny WhetstoneEvangelism, MissionsActs
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 1Tom FarrellConscience, GodlinessActs
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 2Tom FarrellConscience, GodlinessActs
The Great PredictionJD CrowleyEvangelism, MissionsActs
Rescue of Two PrisonersFG HomsherMinistry, SalvationActs
A Cry for HelpDanny WhetstoneEvangelism, MissionsActs
Added to the ChurchJohn GoetschChurch, DiscipleshipActs
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 1 FG HomsherEvangelism, PersecutionActs
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 2 FG HomsherEvangelism, PersecutionActs
Barnabas the EncouragerDanny WhetstoneUnity, EncouragementActs
Grow UpJeremy FrazorDiscipleship, ChurchActs
Missionary MandateDr. Doug McLachlanFaith, SalvationActs
The Return of the LordJerry SivnkstyPromise, EternityActs, 1 Corinthians
PrayerDr. Les OllilaPrayer, Friendship, PaulColossians
Gearing Up for ServiceMark ZimmerServanthoodColossians
God's Transforming PowerMark ZimmerSalvationColossians
Message of BaptismDr. Doug McLachlanBaptismColossians
Portrait of CourageJeff KahlCourage, FaithDaniel
God On TrialDave DoranPride, TrialsDaniel
How to Make a Great FamilyJeff KahlPriorities, KnowledgeDeuteronomy
So Man Could Find HimJohn O'MalleySalvationEcclesiastes
Don't Waste Your LifeWill GalkinYouth, RememberEcclesiastes
Growing the Church in ChristDr. Les OllilaGlory, Gospel, PrayerEphesians
God's Power in Our LivesDr. Les OllilaGospel, SantificationEphesians
Having A Christian PerspectiveDr. Les OllilaFocus, Trinity, Glory, PowerEphesians
The Power of GodDr. Les OllilaPrayer, PowerEphesians
The Spirit of MarriageDr. Les OllilaMarriage, Unity, SubmissionEphesians
The Greatness of Our GodDr. Les OllilaPower, Prayer, PaulEphesians
Build a Spirit -Driven LifeSam HornHoly Spirit, DiscipleshipEphesians
How to Change God's WayJeremy FrazorDiscipleship, SinEphesians
Rules for RelationshipsSteve PettitRelationships, SalvationEphesians
How Then Shall We Not Live?Steve PettitSalvation, WorldlinessEphesians
The Key to Maximum Christian LivingTom FarrellDiscipleship, Holy SpiritEphesians
Sword of the SpiritFG HomsherHoly SpiritEphesians
Handling the Past BiblicallyDr. Larry OatsBlessings, PaulEphesians
Be Imitators of GodSam HornEvangelism, MissionEphesians
Ephesians SeriesDr. Doug McLachlanGrace, RedemptionEphesians
Realizing Our RichesDr. Doug McLachlanPrayer, UnityEphesians
Think on These ThingsDr. Les OllilaPower, Reserection, ChurchEphesians, 1 Corinthians
Brokenness: The ProcessJohn VaughnMoses, SurrenderExodus
Sold for HimAaron CoffeyMoses, ObedienceExodus
Dealing With DespairCarson FremontMoses, PaulExodus, Numbers
MusicDr. Les OllilaDeference, WorshipEzekiel, Daniel
The Freshness of FellowshipDr. Les OllilaCompromise, Repentance, PrideEzra
The Result of MotiveDr. Les OllilaPaul, AttitudeGalatians
No Other GospelDr. Les OllilaGrace, WorksGalatians
The Fruit of the SpiritDr. Les OllilaPower, WorksGalatians
Six Words that Will Change Your LifeTom FarrellGlory, WorshipGalatians
Standing in GraceMark KittrellGrace, Faith, FreedomGalatians
In the Fullness of TimeDr. Doug McLachlanRedemption, SalvationGalatians
Thanksgiving in TrialsDr. Les OllilaPraise, Testing, SanctificationGalatians, Ephesians
Lessons from a CavemanDr. Les OllilaLot, Compromise, CharacterGenesis
The Life of FaithDr. Les OllilaAbraham, Sacrifice, FollowingGenesis
Living Your DreamDr. Les OllilaJoseph, Conviction, FaithfulnessGenesis
The Glory of God in UsDr. Les OllilaRelationships, Fall, CreationGenesis
What Matters MostDr. Les OllilaPriorities, RelationshipsGenesis
How Does A Dream Become RealityDr. Les OllilaJoseph, ContentmentGenesis
Abraham: the Path To FaithDr. Les OllilaFaith, ObedienceGenesis
Raising Children With ConvictionDr. Les OllilaTraining, DisciplineGenesis
Joseph's DreamDr. Les OllilaJoseph, SurrenderGenesis
Lessons From LotDr. Les OllilaLot, WorldlinessGenesis
Tools That Build RelationshipsDr. Les OllilaMarriageGenesis
5 Keys to CommunicationDr. Les OllilaCommunication, Relationships, MarriageGenesis
The Household of FaithDr. Les OllilaRelationshipsGenesis
Marriage in GenesisDr. Les OllilaMarriage, Love, RelationshipsGenesis
Living With Afterward in MindDr. Les OllilaRepentance, Esau, BitternessGenesis
Brokenness: The PortraitJohn VaughnJoseph, ServiceGenesis
God's QuestDanny WhetstoneDiscipleship, Evangelism , MissionsGenesis
When You Get to HeavenJohn VaughnEvangelism, LotGenesis
What is God LikeWill GalkinCreator, JusticeGenesis
Trusting God When it HurtsWill GalkinFaithfulness, ObedienceGenesis
4 Great SeperationsDr. Doug McLachlanFall, SalvationGenesis
Formation of a Fallen CultureDr. Doug McLachlanSin, SeperationGenesis
Grace and Government of GodDr. Doug McLachlanRedemptionGenesis
JosephDr. Doug McLachlanTrials, FaithfulnessGenesis
Biblical SeparationDr. Les OllilaSeparation, ObedienceGenesis, 1 Corinthians
Biblical ManhoodDr. Les OllilaWorldview, EvolutionGenesis, Daniel
Blessings In ProtectionDr. Les OllilaObedience, JudgmentGenesis, Deuturonomy, Amos
The Spirit Filled FamilyDr. Les OllilaRelationships, Growth, RolesGenesis, Ephesians
Embrace Your MissionDr. Les OllilaIdolatry, Glory, HolinessGenesis, Ezekial, John
Knowing GodDr. Les OllilaCompassion, Motives, TheologyGenesis, Jeremiah
HabakkukDr. Les OllilaPrayer, SovereigntyHabakkuk
Will You Live by Faith?Aaron CoffeyFaithHabakkuk
Winning the RaceDr. Les OllilaEndurance, DisciplineHebrews
The Essence of FaithDr. Les OllilaEnoch, Faithfulness, LifestyleHebrews
Balance in the Christian LifeDr. Les OllilaFaith, IsraelHebrews
Afterward: The Life of EsauDr. Les OllilaEsau, RepentanceHebrews
Preparing for the Future by Dealing with the PastFG HomsherForgiveness, JudgementHebrews
Final WarningSteve PettitDiscipleship, ObedienceHebrews
Obey God by Obeying AuthoritiesSteve PettitDecisions, ObedienceJames
Our Real and Present DangerSteve PettitDiscipleship, DiscouragementHebrews
Don't Underestimate the Power of SinRon DeGardeWorldliness, ExhortationHebrews
Reflections On His SufferingsDr. Doug McLachlanDiscouragement, FaithfulnessHebrews
The Blood of Jesus ChristDr. Doug McLachlanSacrifice, ForgivenessHebrews
The Great DeliveranceDr. Doug McLachlanRedemption, SalvationHebrews
The Great Works of Christ on our BehalfDr. Doug McLachlanRedemption, SacrificeHebrews
The Supreme RevelationDr. Doug McLachlanRevelation, ChristHebrews
Heart SurgeryMike HerbsterSin, Surrender, ObedienceHebrews, Joshua
Staying FaithfulDr. Les OllilaFocus, Humility, RepentanceHosea
Minor Prophets with a Major MessageFG HomsherMercy, Redemption, SalvationHosea
The Value of God's WordRon DeGardeBible, DoctrineII Timothy
Taste and See that God is Good Enough for YouAaron CoffeyLight, SalvationIsaiah
What is Truth?John GoetschBible, TruthIsaiah
His Name IsDr. Doug McLachlanSufficiency, ChristIsaiah
The Power of Prayer Part 2Jim TillotsonPrayer, HindrancesIsaiah, Proverbs
The Danger of AlonenessDr. Les OllilaAccountibility, IntegrityJames
A Single FocusDr. Les OllilaStabilityJames
The Three Powers of the TongueDr. Les OllilaObedience, SpeechJames
Three Enemies We Fight AgainstMike HerbsterLust, Sin, WorldlinessJames
Demolishing StrongholdsFG HomsherObedience, Sin, StrongholdsJames
Let Patience Have Her Perfect WorkJohn VaughnPatienceJames
The True Wisdom and the False WisdomDr. Doug McLachlanWisdomJames
The Potter's HouseDr. Les OllilaObedience, OmnipotentJeremiah
Powerful PrayerRon DeGardePromise, PrayerJeremiah
Security in Your View of GodDr. Les OllilaAssurance, SalvationJohn
Assurance of SalvationDr. Les OllilaSecurityJohn
The CrucifixionDr. Les OllilaCrucifixionJohn
The Believers Relation to the World Part 1Dr. Les OllilaSalvation, Witnessing, SactificationJohn
The Believers Relation to the World Part 2Dr. Les OllilaSalvation, Prayer, LightJohn
Embracing Your Mission Part 1Dr. Les OllilaTrinity, GloryJohn
Embracing Your Mission Part 2Dr. Les OllilaSacrifice, SantificationJohn
Brokenness: The PrincipleJohn VaughnCrucifixion, SacrificeJohn
Imitating Jesus ChristDoug McLachlanDiscipleshipJohn
Jesus is the KeyMark HerbsterFaith, SalvationJohn
The Shape of God's LoveDoug McLachlanLove, SalvationJohn
Witnessing Like JesusJeremy FrazorEvangelismJohn
The Power of Prayer Part 1Jim TillotsonPrayer, HindrancesJohn
Pruning the VineMark KittrellObedience, ExampleJohn
Following Jesus Christ: An Extraordinary PrivilegeDoug McLachlanEvengelismJohn
Following Jesus Christ: His BeingDoug McLachlanLight, Power, DiscipleshipJohn
Following Jesus Christ: His Extraordinary BeingDoug McLachlanDiscipleship, GraceJohn
Inexhaustible ChristDr. Doug McLachlanGrace, TruthJohn
JesusChrist the Supreme WonderDr. Doug McLachlanWitnessing, SeekingJohn
Radiance of God’s LoveDr. Doug McLachlanSalvation, BeliefJohn
The Presence of GodDr. Les OllilaOmnipresenceJonah
Give God Your LifeRon DeGardeGlory, Repentance, ForgivenessJonah
Devastating Consequences of Hidden SinDr. Les OllilaDisobedience, RepentanceJoshua
Guaranteed SuccessJeremy FrazorFaithfulness, ObedienceJoshua
Life Lessons from a Dead LoserJeremy FrazorSin, JudgmentJoshua
Samson: The Cost of a HaircutDr. Les OllilaDisobedienceJudges
Two Questions of LifeDr. Les OllilaGideon, Obedience, FaithJudges
The Story of GideonDr. Les OllilaCourage, Forgetful, MindJudges
True DiscipleshipDr. Les OllilaDiscipline, SacrificeLuke
Living in BalanceDr. Les OllilaDiscipleshipLuke
Be An EncouragerDr. Les OllilaEncouragement, CommunicationLuke
Living in Broken GroundDr. Les OllilaParrable, SowerLuke
Why We Are HereDr. Les OllilaHell, SalvationLuke
Business Lessons from the Unjust StewardDr. Les OllilaStewardship, MoneyLuke
The Holy Spirit in the Christmas StoryDr. Les Ollila, Chris HarperIncarnation, JohnLuke
Victory Over InjusticeJeff KahlVictoryLuke
Business Lessons from the Unjust StewardLes OllilaValues, FinancesLuke
Won't You Be My Neighbor?John O'MalleySamaritan, CompassionLuke
No Regret LivingSam HornObedienceLuke
What is Real Salvation?Jeremy FrazorSalvationLuke
Cry of BlindnessMark ZimmerBartimaeus, Blindness, HelplessLuke
Launch Into the DeepDanny WhetstoneFaith, ObedienceLuke
To Follow ChristWill GalkinDiscipleship, ObedienceLuke
A Forever FixDr. Marty VonEternity, PerspectiveLuke
Four Who are LostJeff FainObedience, EvangelismLuke
Christ's Redemptive MinistryDr. Doug McLachlanHoly Spirit, DeliveranceLuke
Ingratitude: The Most Graceless of All SinsDr. Doug McLachlanThankfulness, HumilityLuke
Love's Ultimate ExpressionDr. Doug McLachlanDeath, ChristLuke
Rarity of GratitudeDr. Doug McLachlanHealing, ThankfulnessLuke
Critical ThinkingDr. Les OllilaPrayerLuke, 2 Peter
You Cannot Be My DiscipleDr. Les OllilaDiscipleshipLuke, John
Living Sacrifice Part 1Mark KittrellName, Love, SacrificeMalachi
Living Sacrifice Part 2Mark KittrellHonor, Love, SacrificeMalachi
The Maniac of GadaraDr. Les OllilaSalvation, TransformationMark
Break the BoxKurt SkellyDiscipleship, ServanthoodMark
The Value of a SoulJohn GoetschDeath, SalvationMark
The Master KeyJeremy FrazorDiscipleshipMark
Fear FactorAaron CoffeyFear, DisobedienceMark, 1 Samuel
Two Days to LiveJD CrowleyMoney, Heaven, EvangelismMathew
Worship in Your LifeDr. Les OllilaIdols, Ministry, Priorities, SurrenderMatthew
Having Good CourageDr. Les OllilaCompassion, DisciplesMatthew
The Three Threes of the Christmas StoryDr. Les Ollila, Chris HarperIncarnation, WorshipMatthew
How to Handle TemptationJerry SivnkstySin, ScriptureMatthew
The Things He ValuesJohn O'MalleyCrucifixion, ChurchMatthew
Seeking God FirstBruce McCallisterPriorities, WorldlinessMatthew
Laborers in the HarvestWill GalkinEvangelism, LoveMatthew
Brokenness: The PurposeJohn VaughnPeter, Strength, WeaknessMatthew
The Greatest Passion of LifeWill GalkinLove, TimeMatthew
Good Advice for Bad TimesSam HornWorryMatthew
The Church's Responsibility Part 1Jim TillotsonServiceMatthew
The Church's Responsibility Part 2Jim TillotsonWitnessing, ServiceMatthew
Take My YokeDanny WhetstoneFaith, SalvationMatthew
Remember Your StoryJim NewcomerSalvation, TestimonyMatthew
Treasure in HeavenGary CrandallDiscipleship, HeavenMatthew
The Danger of UnforgivenessJeff KahlConflict, Forgiveness, RelationshipsMatthew
Salt and LightDalton HeathTestimony, ExampleMatthew
A Great and Glorious InvitationDr. Doug McLachlanRest, SalvationMatthew
The BeatitudesDr. Doug McLachlanBlessing, Joy, JesusMatthew
Ye Are the Salt of the EarthDr. Doug McLachlanWitness, InfluenceMatthew
Faithful in Small ThingsMark ZimmerTestimony, FaithfulnessMatthew, Ephesians
HellJeremy FrazorJudgment, HellMatthew, Luke
The Cup You Didn't DrinkMark KittrellCommunionMatthew, Luke
Words From the CrossDr. Doug McLachlanCrucifixion, Resurrection, LoveMatthew, Luke John
RevivalDr. Les OllilaObedience, Ezra, HeartNehemiah
A Fire for GodJeff RedlinWork, ServiceNehemiah
The Importance of God's WordDr. Les OllilaScripture, Ezra, PreachingNehemiah, Ezra
Lesson On Anger Part 1Dr. Les OllilaRelationships, WrathNumbers
Lesson On Anger Part 2Dr. Les OllilaImpatience, Relationships, FocusNumbers
Missions and SpiritismJD CrowleyCults, BalaamNumbers
AngerLes OllilaAnger, MosesNumbers
A Good Legacy Does Not Guarantee a Good FutureDr. Les OllilaEphriam, CompromisePaslms
God's GuidanceDr. Les OllilaPeter, ConfidencePhilipians
Where Your Confidence LiesDr. Les OllilaPaul, Following CallingPhilipians, 1 Corinthians
Doing All Through ChristDr. Les OllilaStephen, Purpose, PaulPhilipians, Acts
Sanctifying ObedienceSteve PettitObedience, Salvation, SanctificationPhilippians
Trusting GodJohn ZimmerFaithPhilippians
Potential for Authentic ChristianityDr. Doug McLachlanSalvation, IndwellingPhilippians
The Joy of the ChristianDr. Doug McLachlanJoyPhilippians
ServiceDr. Les OllilaWork, FaithPhilippians, 1 Thessalonians
Three Types Who Reject WisdomDr. Les OllilaWisdom, FoolishnessProverbs
The Four Necessary Ingredients for LifeDr. Les OllilaWisdom, Knowledge, UnderstandingProverbs
IntegrityJohn VaughnHonesty, PrideProverbs
How to Reach Your PotentialJeff KahlObedience, AuthorityProverbs
Wisdom for the FamilyJeff KahlFamilyProverbs
Work EthicDavid DanielWorkProverbs
Be a Real ChristianMark HerbsterHypocrisyProverbs
An Uplook For the DowncastDr. Les OllilaFocus, David, MeditationPsalm
God Knows YouWill GalkinPrayer, DiscipleshipPsalm
Quicken Me O LordWill GalkinSalvationPsalm
Fresh OilSteve PettitSpirit, FaithfulnessPsalm
Man'a Malady and God's MercyDr. Doug McLachlanForgiveness, Compassion, MercyPsalm
A Little Thing that Makes a Big DifferenceTom FarrellAttitude, FocusPsalm, Proverbs
Rich in God's BlessingJoe HensonSin, ConfessionPsalm, Proverbs
Where Did the Hating Go?Bob Jones IIIEvil,SinPsalm, Proverbs
The Cowardly EphraimitesDr. Les OllilaCarnality, Faithfulness, ObediencePsalms
Focusing Our Attention OutwardDr. Les OllilaAsaph, DepressionPsalms
Surrender and SeparationDr. Les OllilaEnvy, FaithfulnessPsalms
When Normal is GoneDr. Les OllilaAspah, Depression, FocusPsalms
Covenants for the LeaderDr. Les OllilaDavid, Will, NoahPsalms
The Blessable ServantDr. Les OllilaGodliness FoolPsalms
Finding Satisfaction in ChristDr. Les OllilaAsaph, Disobedience, PerseverencePsalms
Teaching Teens PrayerDr. Les OllilaFaithfulness, YouthPsalms
From Theocracy to AtheismDr. Les Ollila Theism, Compromise, AtheismPsalms
The Successful ServantDr. Les OllilaBlessedness, WorldlinessPsalms
Dealing with DiscouragementDr. Les OllilaDiscouragement, Focus, SelishnessPsalms
Man God UsesDr. Doug McLachlanGodliness, BlessingPsalms
Marks of GodlinessDr. Doug McLachlanCharacter, SalvationPsalms
Potency of God's WordDr. Doug McLachlanScripture, Obedience, TruthPsalms
Psalm 145Dr. Doug McLachlanSalvation, Praise, DaivdPsalms
Psalm 23 SeriesDr. Doug MclachlanGuidance, CarePsalms
Psalm of JoyDr. Doug McLachlanPraise, ThanksPsalms
Source of MusicDr. Doug McLachlanWorship, RelationshipPsalms
True GreatnessDr. Les OllilaFaithfulness, ContentmentPsalms, Acts
Directing Your TimeDr. Les OllilaPrioritiesPslams
When Everything Looks All Right, But Everything is All WrongRon DeGardeObedience, TestimonyRevelation
The City of God Part 1Steve PettitHeavenRevelation
The City of God Part 2Steve PettitHeavenRevelation
Revelation Churches SeriesDr. Doug MclachlanWorldliness, SactificationRevelation
Wake Up and Die RightDr. Les OllilaThinking, EternityRomans
Christians in Today's CultureDr. Les OllilaPaul, Discipleship, accountabilityRomans
World Views Part 1Dr. Les OllilaTruth. HumanismRomans
World Views Part 2Dr. Les OllilaIdols, TheismRomans
The Christian Perspective on WarDr. Les OllilaWar, Government, DanielRomans
Amazing GraceSteve PettitJustification,SalvationRomans
Discovering God's WillSteve PettitSurrender, DiscipleshipRomans
Having an Urban BurdenMatt ReckerEvangelism, ThankfulnessRomans
Radically ChangedMark ZimmerSalvation, Paul, IsraelRomans
Two Ways to LiveJD CrowleyTestimony, RebellionRomans
The Romans Road is Not the Romans RoadJD CrowleyEvangelismRomans
The Cost of Being a ChristianJeff KahlDiscipleshipRomans
Whosoever and TheyDanny WhetstoneFaith, SalvationRomans
The World's Greatest NeedPhil HuntSalvationRomans
Salvation in a SaviorJoe BaldwinSalvationRomans
Following Jesus Christ - His SacrificeDoug McLachlanDiscipleship, GodlinessRomans
DivisionsLucus CountermanUnity,Essentials Romans
Absolute JustificationDr. Doug McLachlanRedemptionRomans
Applied ChristianityDr. Doug McLachlanFaithfulness, ServiceRomans
Great Marks of SecutiryDr. Doug McLachlanSactification, Relationship, HopeRomans
Portrait of ConsecrationDr. Doug McLachlanLove, DedicationRomans
No DoubtDr. Les OllilaJudgment, PaulRomans, Revelation
Bitterness - RuthDr. Les OllilaNaomi, BitternessRuth
The Believer and Redeeming FaithLeonard SaundersObedience, Faithfulness, SalvationTitus
Abundance of LifeDr. Doug McLachlansinfulness, goodness, fruitfulnessTitus
The Glory of God's GraceDr. Doug McLachlanEncouragement, RedemptionTitus
Wounds of ChristJohn GoetschCrucifixionZechariah