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The first of our podcast offerings is Harvest Time. It features interviews with members of Harvest Baptist Church and other friends of the ministry. Your host is Pastor Gary Walton.
Pastor Jared Baldwin hosts the Live 'til Five podcast, which is the on-demand version of our Friday talk and variety program featuring interviews, leadership lessons, and lots of fun.
The Take Note Podcast features a ten-minute summary of a recent episodes of Take Note live.

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Harvest Time – Pegarido 2
Pastor Walton interviews Brandon and Carina Pegarido about their long history with Harvest and how it has affected their lives.
Harvest Time – Rhee
Pastor Gary interviews Earl Rhee about his life, testimony, and current work. He is also helping with translating sermons live for Harvest Baptist Church.
Harvest Time – Cagle
Pastor Gary interviews Mrs. Cagle and hears her testimony and special memories on this edition of Harvest Time.
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Title | Speaker | Topic | Scripture |
Overcoming Hindrances Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Love, Authority | 1 Corinthians |
Laborers Together | Dr. Les Ollila | Unity, | 1 Corinthians |
The Resurrection | Dr. Les Ollila | Resurrection, Evidence | 1 Corinthians |
Marathon Mindset | Dr. Les Ollila | Commitment, Vision, Endurance | 1 Corinthians |
Jealousy | Dr. Les Ollila | Pride, Fellowship | 1 Corinthians |
Knowledge | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Power, Fruit | 1 Corinthians |
Gideon | Brian Carruthers | Faith, Gideon | 1 Corinthians |
What Right Does God Have to My Body? | Tom Farrell | Purity, Creation, Surrender | 1 Corinthians |
Act Like Men | Danny Whetstone | Victory, Faithfulness | 1 Corinthians |
Build a Glory Driven Life | Sam Horn | Glory, Mission | 1 Corinthians |
Greatness of Christian Redemption | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redeemer | 1 Corinthians |
Marks of Wisdom in a Godly Man | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Compassion, Courage | 1 Corinthians |
Dealing With Differences | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Unity | 1 Corinthians, Acts |
Principles in Ministry Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Principles, Convictions, Purpose | 1 Corinthians, Genesis |
Principles in Ministry Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Principles, Convictions, Purpose | 1 Corinthians, Genesis |
Love | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationship, Sacrifice | 1 John |
Making Right Choices | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Flesh | 1 John |
The Happy Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Contentment, Leadership | 1 Kings |
The Happy Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Solomon, Service | 1 Kings |
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Testimony | 1 Peter |
Living Faithfully to Life's End | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness | 1 Peter |
The Spirit-filled Wife | Dr. Les Ollila | Submission, Relationships | 1 Peter |
Brokenness: The Way to Blessing | John Vaughn | Testimony, Trials | 1 Peter |
1 Peter Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Christ, Suffering, Faith, Salvation, Values | 1 Peter |
Triumphant in Trials | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Persecution, Joy | 1 Peter |
Spirit Filled Men and Women Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Parenting, Relationships | 1 Peter, Genesis |
Biblical Evangelism | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Evangelism, Gospel | 1 Peter, Matthew, 1 John |
David's Shifting Confidence | Dr. Les Ollila | David, Unfaithfulness | 1 Samuel |
How to Get Answers from Headquarters | Tom Farrell | Hannah, Prayer | 1 Samuel |
The Life of David | Carson Fremont | David | 1 Samuel, Psalms |
In Everything Give Thanks | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Thankfulness | 1 Thessaloniains |
The USA in Bible Prophecy | Steve Pettit | Prophecy, Judgment | 1 Thessalonians |
Ready for the Rapture | John Goetsch | Salvation | 1 Thessalonians |
Manifesting a Life that Matters | Sam Horn | Family | 1 Thessalonians |
Departing Grace | FG Homsher | Death, Paul | 1 Thessalonians |
1 Thessalonians Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Church, Love, Hope, Faithfulness | 1 Thessalonians |
The Body We Cherish | Doug McLachlan | Church | 1 Timothy |
The Road to Revival | John Goetsch | Salvation, Prayer | 2 Chronicles |
Saved or Lost | Jeff Redlin | Salvation, Enemy | 2 Chronicles |
Spiritual Brokenness | Dr. Les Ollila | Santification, Discipleship | 2 Corinthians |
The Ministry of Paul | Dr. Les Ollila | Reconciliation, Motives | 2 Corinthians |
Laboring to be Accepted Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Salvation | 2 Corinthians |
Laboring to be Accepted Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Motives, Sanctification | 2 Corinthians |
The Judgement Seat | Dr. Les Ollila | Incarnation, Death | 2 Corinthians |
The Grace of God is Sufficient | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Apostleship, Suffering | 2 Corinthians |
How to Produce a Biblical Worldview | Dr. Les Ollila | Worldview, Disciplship | 2 Corinthians |
Gifted for the Ministry | Dr. Les Ollila | Discourament, Perseverance | 2 Corinthians |
Brokenness: The Promise | John Vaughn | Paul, Prayer, Discipleship | 2 Corinthians |
Taking the Message to the Regions Beyond | John O'Malley | Evangelism, Missions | 2 Corinthians |
The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make | Tom Farrell | Salvation | 2 Corinthians |
The Heart of Paul | Kevin Inafuku | Love | 2 Corinthians |
A Consideration of The Subject of Reconciliation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Seperation, Sin | 2 Corinthians |
Living in Light of the Bema | Dr. Les Ollila | Judgment, Works | 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians |
What Makes a Total Marriage | Dr. Les Ollila | Immorality, Commitment | 2 Corinthians, 1 Thessilonians |
How to Pray for Missionaries | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Prayer, Encouragement | 2 Corinthians, Romans |
View of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Relationships | 2 Corinthians, Romans |
Life Touching Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Elisha, Discipleship | 2 Kings |
Living On Eternity's Edge | Matt Recker | Elijah, Evangelism | 2 Kings |
The Purpose of Youth Work | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship, Discipline | 2 Peter |
Steps to Spiritual Maturity | Dr. Les Ollila | Change, Growth | 2 Peter |
7 Marks of a Growing Family | Curt Lamansky | Sanctification, Family | 2 Peter |
The Life Which Honors God | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Power, Godliness, Promises | 2 Peter |
Bitterness - Shimei | Dr. Les Ollila | Authority, Choices, Jealousy | 2 Samuel |
Is the Young Man Safe? | Jeremy Frazor | David, Consequences | 2 Samuel |
Understanding Our Mission Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Stewardship, Purpose | 2 Timothy |
Understanding Our Mission Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Purpose, Discipleship | 2 Timothy |
The Secure Leader | Dr. Les Ollila | Security | 2 Timothy |
Fear | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Timothy, encouragemnet | 2 Timothy |
Being a Good Soldier | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship, Faithfulness | 2 Timothy |
Them That Love His Appearing | Gary Anderson | Second Coming, Service | 2 Timothy |
Four Marks of a Good Soldier | Mark Herbster | Discipleship, Spirit | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 3 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Apostasy, Faithfulness | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 4 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Preaching, Witnessing, Second Coming | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 2 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Servan, Steward, Sacrifice | 2 Timothy |
Glory of the Word | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Scripture, Sacred | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 1 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Faith, Sanctification | 2 Timothy |
The Church | Dr. Les Ollila | Church, Ordinances, Doctrine | Acts |
Philip the Soul Winner | Dr. Les Ollila | Evangelism, Surrender, Transformation | Acts |
The Only Way of Salvation | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Power | Acts |
Perservering Through Difficulties | Dr. Les Ollila | Missions, Discouragement, Evangelism | Acts |
Adding to Your Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Purpose, Motivation | Acts |
Storms | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Providence, Trust | Acts |
Acts 3 | Dr. Les Ollila | Holiness, Justification | Acts |
Jesus Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Holiness | Acts |
The Uniqueness of Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Wolrdview | Acts |
God Doesn't Waste Seed | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Spirit | Acts |
Missions | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 1 | Tom Farrell | Conscience, Godliness | Acts |
The Greatest Exercise of Your Soul Part 2 | Tom Farrell | Conscience, Godliness | Acts |
The Great Prediction | JD Crowley | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
Rescue of Two Prisoners | FG Homsher | Ministry, Salvation | Acts |
A Cry for Help | Danny Whetstone | Evangelism, Missions | Acts |
Added to the Church | John Goetsch | Church, Discipleship | Acts |
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 1 | FG Homsher | Evangelism, Persecution | Acts |
Terrorists, Traitors and Triumphs Part 2 | FG Homsher | Evangelism, Persecution | Acts |
Barnabas the Encourager | Danny Whetstone | Unity, Encouragement | Acts |
Grow Up | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship, Church | Acts |
Missionary Mandate | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Faith, Salvation | Acts |
The Return of the Lord | Jerry Sivnksty | Promise, Eternity | Acts, 1 Corinthians |
Prayer | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Friendship, Paul | Colossians |
Gearing Up for Service | Mark Zimmer | Servanthood | Colossians |
God's Transforming Power | Mark Zimmer | Salvation | Colossians |
Message of Baptism | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Baptism | Colossians |
Portrait of Courage | Jeff Kahl | Courage, Faith | Daniel |
God On Trial | Dave Doran | Pride, Trials | Daniel |
How to Make a Great Family | Jeff Kahl | Priorities, Knowledge | Deuteronomy |
So Man Could Find Him | John O'Malley | Salvation | Ecclesiastes |
Don't Waste Your Life | Will Galkin | Youth, Remember | Ecclesiastes |
Growing the Church in Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Glory, Gospel, Prayer | Ephesians |
God's Power in Our Lives | Dr. Les Ollila | Gospel, Santification | Ephesians |
Having A Christian Perspective | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Trinity, Glory, Power | Ephesians |
The Power of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Power | Ephesians |
The Spirit of Marriage | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Unity, Submission | Ephesians |
The Greatness of Our God | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Prayer, Paul | Ephesians |
Build a Spirit -Driven Life | Sam Horn | Holy Spirit, Discipleship | Ephesians |
How to Change God's Way | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship, Sin | Ephesians |
Rules for Relationships | Steve Pettit | Relationships, Salvation | Ephesians |
How Then Shall We Not Live? | Steve Pettit | Salvation, Worldliness | Ephesians |
The Key to Maximum Christian Living | Tom Farrell | Discipleship, Holy Spirit | Ephesians |
Sword of the Spirit | FG Homsher | Holy Spirit | Ephesians |
Handling the Past Biblically | Dr. Larry Oats | Blessings, Paul | Ephesians |
Be Imitators of God | Sam Horn | Evangelism, Mission | Ephesians |
Ephesians Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Grace, Redemption | Ephesians |
Realizing Our Riches | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Prayer, Unity | Ephesians |
Think on These Things | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Reserection, Church | Ephesians, 1 Corinthians |
Brokenness: The Process | John Vaughn | Moses, Surrender | Exodus |
Sold for Him | Aaron Coffey | Moses, Obedience | Exodus |
Dealing With Despair | Carson Fremont | Moses, Paul | Exodus, Numbers |
Music | Dr. Les Ollila | Deference, Worship | Ezekiel, Daniel |
The Freshness of Fellowship | Dr. Les Ollila | Compromise, Repentance, Pride | Ezra |
The Result of Motive | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Attitude | Galatians |
No Other Gospel | Dr. Les Ollila | Grace, Works | Galatians |
The Fruit of the Spirit | Dr. Les Ollila | Power, Works | Galatians |
Six Words that Will Change Your Life | Tom Farrell | Glory, Worship | Galatians |
Standing in Grace | Mark Kittrell | Grace, Faith, Freedom | Galatians |
In the Fullness of Time | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Salvation | Galatians |
Thanksgiving in Trials | Dr. Les Ollila | Praise, Testing, Sanctification | Galatians, Ephesians |
Lessons from a Caveman | Dr. Les Ollila | Lot, Compromise, Character | Genesis |
The Life of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Abraham, Sacrifice, Following | Genesis |
Living Your Dream | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Conviction, Faithfulness | Genesis |
The Glory of God in Us | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Fall, Creation | Genesis |
What Matters Most | Dr. Les Ollila | Priorities, Relationships | Genesis |
How Does A Dream Become Reality | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Contentment | Genesis |
Abraham: the Path To Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Faith, Obedience | Genesis |
Raising Children With Conviction | Dr. Les Ollila | Training, Discipline | Genesis |
Joseph's Dream | Dr. Les Ollila | Joseph, Surrender | Genesis |
Lessons From Lot | Dr. Les Ollila | Lot, Worldliness | Genesis |
Tools That Build Relationships | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage | Genesis |
5 Keys to Communication | Dr. Les Ollila | Communication, Relationships, Marriage | Genesis |
The Household of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships | Genesis |
Marriage in Genesis | Dr. Les Ollila | Marriage, Love, Relationships | Genesis |
Living With Afterward in Mind | Dr. Les Ollila | Repentance, Esau, Bitterness | Genesis |
Brokenness: The Portrait | John Vaughn | Joseph, Service | Genesis |
God's Quest | Danny Whetstone | Discipleship, Evangelism , Missions | Genesis |
When You Get to Heaven | John Vaughn | Evangelism, Lot | Genesis |
What is God Like | Will Galkin | Creator, Justice | Genesis |
Trusting God When it Hurts | Will Galkin | Faithfulness, Obedience | Genesis |
4 Great Seperations | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Fall, Salvation | Genesis |
Formation of a Fallen Culture | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sin, Seperation | Genesis |
Grace and Government of God | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption | Genesis |
Joseph | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Trials, Faithfulness | Genesis |
Biblical Separation | Dr. Les Ollila | Separation, Obedience | Genesis, 1 Corinthians |
Biblical Manhood | Dr. Les Ollila | Worldview, Evolution | Genesis, Daniel |
Blessings In Protection | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Judgment | Genesis, Deuturonomy, Amos |
The Spirit Filled Family | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Growth, Roles | Genesis, Ephesians |
Embrace Your Mission | Dr. Les Ollila | Idolatry, Glory, Holiness | Genesis, Ezekial, John |
Knowing God | Dr. Les Ollila | Compassion, Motives, Theology | Genesis, Jeremiah |
Habakkuk | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer, Sovereignty | Habakkuk |
Will You Live by Faith? | Aaron Coffey | Faith | Habakkuk |
Winning the Race | Dr. Les Ollila | Endurance, Discipline | Hebrews |
The Essence of Faith | Dr. Les Ollila | Enoch, Faithfulness, Lifestyle | Hebrews |
Balance in the Christian Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Faith, Israel | Hebrews |
Afterward: The Life of Esau | Dr. Les Ollila | Esau, Repentance | Hebrews |
Preparing for the Future by Dealing with the Past | FG Homsher | Forgiveness, Judgement | Hebrews |
Final Warning | Steve Pettit | Discipleship, Obedience | Hebrews |
Obey God by Obeying Authorities | Steve Pettit | Decisions, Obedience | James |
Our Real and Present Danger | Steve Pettit | Discipleship, Discouragement | Hebrews |
Don't Underestimate the Power of Sin | Ron DeGarde | Worldliness, Exhortation | Hebrews |
Reflections On His Sufferings | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Discouragement, Faithfulness | Hebrews |
The Blood of Jesus Christ | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sacrifice, Forgiveness | Hebrews |
The Great Deliverance | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Salvation | Hebrews |
The Great Works of Christ on our Behalf | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Sacrifice | Hebrews |
The Supreme Revelation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Revelation, Christ | Hebrews |
Heart Surgery | Mike Herbster | Sin, Surrender, Obedience | Hebrews, Joshua |
Staying Faithful | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, Humility, Repentance | Hosea |
Minor Prophets with a Major Message | FG Homsher | Mercy, Redemption, Salvation | Hosea |
The Value of God's Word | Ron DeGarde | Bible, Doctrine | II Timothy |
Taste and See that God is Good Enough for You | Aaron Coffey | Light, Salvation | Isaiah |
What is Truth? | John Goetsch | Bible, Truth | Isaiah |
His Name Is | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sufficiency, Christ | Isaiah |
The Power of Prayer Part 2 | Jim Tillotson | Prayer, Hindrances | Isaiah, Proverbs |
The Danger of Aloneness | Dr. Les Ollila | Accountibility, Integrity | James |
A Single Focus | Dr. Les Ollila | Stability | James |
The Three Powers of the Tongue | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Speech | James |
Three Enemies We Fight Against | Mike Herbster | Lust, Sin, Worldliness | James |
Demolishing Strongholds | FG Homsher | Obedience, Sin, Strongholds | James |
Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work | John Vaughn | Patience | James |
The True Wisdom and the False Wisdom | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Wisdom | James |
The Potter's House | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Omnipotent | Jeremiah |
Powerful Prayer | Ron DeGarde | Promise, Prayer | Jeremiah |
Security in Your View of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Assurance, Salvation | John |
Assurance of Salvation | Dr. Les Ollila | Security | John |
The Crucifixion | Dr. Les Ollila | Crucifixion | John |
The Believers Relation to the World Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Witnessing, Sactification | John |
The Believers Relation to the World Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Prayer, Light | John |
Embracing Your Mission Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Trinity, Glory | John |
Embracing Your Mission Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Sacrifice, Santification | John |
Brokenness: The Principle | John Vaughn | Crucifixion, Sacrifice | John |
Imitating Jesus Christ | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship | John |
Jesus is the Key | Mark Herbster | Faith, Salvation | John |
The Shape of God's Love | Doug McLachlan | Love, Salvation | John |
Witnessing Like Jesus | Jeremy Frazor | Evangelism | John |
The Power of Prayer Part 1 | Jim Tillotson | Prayer, Hindrances | John |
Pruning the Vine | Mark Kittrell | Obedience, Example | John |
Following Jesus Christ: An Extraordinary Privilege | Doug McLachlan | Evengelism | John |
Following Jesus Christ: His Being | Doug McLachlan | Light, Power, Discipleship | John |
Following Jesus Christ: His Extraordinary Being | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship, Grace | John |
Inexhaustible Christ | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Grace, Truth | John |
JesusChrist the Supreme Wonder | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Witnessing, Seeking | John |
Radiance of God’s Love | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Belief | John |
The Presence of God | Dr. Les Ollila | Omnipresence | Jonah |
Give God Your Life | Ron DeGarde | Glory, Repentance, Forgiveness | Jonah |
Devastating Consequences of Hidden Sin | Dr. Les Ollila | Disobedience, Repentance | Joshua |
Guaranteed Success | Jeremy Frazor | Faithfulness, Obedience | Joshua |
Life Lessons from a Dead Loser | Jeremy Frazor | Sin, Judgment | Joshua |
Samson: The Cost of a Haircut | Dr. Les Ollila | Disobedience | Judges |
Two Questions of Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Gideon, Obedience, Faith | Judges |
The Story of Gideon | Dr. Les Ollila | Courage, Forgetful, Mind | Judges |
True Discipleship | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipline, Sacrifice | Luke |
Living in Balance | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship | Luke |
Be An Encourager | Dr. Les Ollila | Encouragement, Communication | Luke |
Living in Broken Ground | Dr. Les Ollila | Parrable, Sower | Luke |
Why We Are Here | Dr. Les Ollila | Hell, Salvation | Luke |
Business Lessons from the Unjust Steward | Dr. Les Ollila | Stewardship, Money | Luke |
The Holy Spirit in the Christmas Story | Dr. Les Ollila, Chris Harper | Incarnation, John | Luke |
Victory Over Injustice | Jeff Kahl | Victory | Luke |
Business Lessons from the Unjust Steward | Les Ollila | Values, Finances | Luke |
Won't You Be My Neighbor? | John O'Malley | Samaritan, Compassion | Luke |
No Regret Living | Sam Horn | Obedience | Luke |
What is Real Salvation? | Jeremy Frazor | Salvation | Luke |
Cry of Blindness | Mark Zimmer | Bartimaeus, Blindness, Helpless | Luke |
Launch Into the Deep | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Obedience | Luke |
To Follow Christ | Will Galkin | Discipleship, Obedience | Luke |
A Forever Fix | Dr. Marty Von | Eternity, Perspective | Luke |
Four Who are Lost | Jeff Fain | Obedience, Evangelism | Luke |
Christ's Redemptive Ministry | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Holy Spirit, Deliverance | Luke |
Ingratitude: The Most Graceless of All Sins | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Thankfulness, Humility | Luke |
Love's Ultimate Expression | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Death, Christ | Luke |
Rarity of Gratitude | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Healing, Thankfulness | Luke |
Critical Thinking | Dr. Les Ollila | Prayer | Luke, 2 Peter |
You Cannot Be My Disciple | Dr. Les Ollila | Discipleship | Luke, John |
Living Sacrifice Part 1 | Mark Kittrell | Name, Love, Sacrifice | Malachi |
Living Sacrifice Part 2 | Mark Kittrell | Honor, Love, Sacrifice | Malachi |
The Maniac of Gadara | Dr. Les Ollila | Salvation, Transformation | Mark |
Break the Box | Kurt Skelly | Discipleship, Servanthood | Mark |
The Value of a Soul | John Goetsch | Death, Salvation | Mark |
The Master Key | Jeremy Frazor | Discipleship | Mark |
Fear Factor | Aaron Coffey | Fear, Disobedience | Mark, 1 Samuel |
Two Days to Live | JD Crowley | Money, Heaven, Evangelism | Mathew |
Worship in Your Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Idols, Ministry, Priorities, Surrender | Matthew |
Having Good Courage | Dr. Les Ollila | Compassion, Disciples | Matthew |
The Three Threes of the Christmas Story | Dr. Les Ollila, Chris Harper | Incarnation, Worship | Matthew |
How to Handle Temptation | Jerry Sivnksty | Sin, Scripture | Matthew |
The Things He Values | John O'Malley | Crucifixion, Church | Matthew |
Seeking God First | Bruce McCallister | Priorities, Worldliness | Matthew |
Laborers in the Harvest | Will Galkin | Evangelism, Love | Matthew |
Brokenness: The Purpose | John Vaughn | Peter, Strength, Weakness | Matthew |
The Greatest Passion of Life | Will Galkin | Love, Time | Matthew |
Good Advice for Bad Times | Sam Horn | Worry | Matthew |
The Church's Responsibility Part 1 | Jim Tillotson | Service | Matthew |
The Church's Responsibility Part 2 | Jim Tillotson | Witnessing, Service | Matthew |
Take My Yoke | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Salvation | Matthew |
Remember Your Story | Jim Newcomer | Salvation, Testimony | Matthew |
Treasure in Heaven | Gary Crandall | Discipleship, Heaven | Matthew |
The Danger of Unforgiveness | Jeff Kahl | Conflict, Forgiveness, Relationships | Matthew |
Salt and Light | Dalton Heath | Testimony, Example | Matthew |
A Great and Glorious Invitation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Rest, Salvation | Matthew |
The Beatitudes | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Blessing, Joy, Jesus | Matthew |
Ye Are the Salt of the Earth | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Witness, Influence | Matthew |
Faithful in Small Things | Mark Zimmer | Testimony, Faithfulness | Matthew, Ephesians |
Hell | Jeremy Frazor | Judgment, Hell | Matthew, Luke |
The Cup You Didn't Drink | Mark Kittrell | Communion | Matthew, Luke |
Words From the Cross | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Crucifixion, Resurrection, Love | Matthew, Luke John |
Revival | Dr. Les Ollila | Obedience, Ezra, Heart | Nehemiah |
A Fire for God | Jeff Redlin | Work, Service | Nehemiah |
The Importance of God's Word | Dr. Les Ollila | Scripture, Ezra, Preaching | Nehemiah, Ezra |
Lesson On Anger Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Relationships, Wrath | Numbers |
Lesson On Anger Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Impatience, Relationships, Focus | Numbers |
Missions and Spiritism | JD Crowley | Cults, Balaam | Numbers |
Anger | Les Ollila | Anger, Moses | Numbers |
A Good Legacy Does Not Guarantee a Good Future | Dr. Les Ollila | Ephriam, Compromise | Paslms |
God's Guidance | Dr. Les Ollila | Peter, Confidence | Philipians |
Where Your Confidence Lies | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Following Calling | Philipians, 1 Corinthians |
Doing All Through Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Stephen, Purpose, Paul | Philipians, Acts |
Sanctifying Obedience | Steve Pettit | Obedience, Salvation, Sanctification | Philippians |
Trusting God | John Zimmer | Faith | Philippians |
Potential for Authentic Christianity | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Indwelling | Philippians |
The Joy of the Christian | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Joy | Philippians |
Service | Dr. Les Ollila | Work, Faith | Philippians, 1 Thessalonians |
Three Types Who Reject Wisdom | Dr. Les Ollila | Wisdom, Foolishness | Proverbs |
The Four Necessary Ingredients for Life | Dr. Les Ollila | Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding | Proverbs |
Integrity | John Vaughn | Honesty, Pride | Proverbs |
How to Reach Your Potential | Jeff Kahl | Obedience, Authority | Proverbs |
Wisdom for the Family | Jeff Kahl | Family | Proverbs |
Work Ethic | David Daniel | Work | Proverbs |
Be a Real Christian | Mark Herbster | Hypocrisy | Proverbs |
An Uplook For the Downcast | Dr. Les Ollila | Focus, David, Meditation | Psalm |
God Knows You | Will Galkin | Prayer, Discipleship | Psalm |
Quicken Me O Lord | Will Galkin | Salvation | Psalm |
Fresh Oil | Steve Pettit | Spirit, Faithfulness | Psalm |
Man'a Malady and God's Mercy | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Forgiveness, Compassion, Mercy | Psalm |
A Little Thing that Makes a Big Difference | Tom Farrell | Attitude, Focus | Psalm, Proverbs |
Rich in God's Blessing | Joe Henson | Sin, Confession | Psalm, Proverbs |
Where Did the Hating Go? | Bob Jones III | Evil,Sin | Psalm, Proverbs |
The Cowardly Ephraimites | Dr. Les Ollila | Carnality, Faithfulness, Obedience | Psalms |
Focusing Our Attention Outward | Dr. Les Ollila | Asaph, Depression | Psalms |
Surrender and Separation | Dr. Les Ollila | Envy, Faithfulness | Psalms |
When Normal is Gone | Dr. Les Ollila | Aspah, Depression, Focus | Psalms |
Covenants for the Leader | Dr. Les Ollila | David, Will, Noah | Psalms |
The Blessable Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Godliness Fool | Psalms |
Finding Satisfaction in Christ | Dr. Les Ollila | Asaph, Disobedience, Perseverence | Psalms |
Teaching Teens Prayer | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness, Youth | Psalms |
From Theocracy to Atheism | Dr. Les Ollila | Theism, Compromise, Atheism | Psalms |
The Successful Servant | Dr. Les Ollila | Blessedness, Worldliness | Psalms |
Dealing with Discouragement | Dr. Les Ollila | Discouragement, Focus, Selishness | Psalms |
Man God Uses | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Godliness, Blessing | Psalms |
Marks of Godliness | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Character, Salvation | Psalms |
Potency of God's Word | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Scripture, Obedience, Truth | Psalms |
Psalm 145 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Praise, Daivd | Psalms |
Psalm 23 Series | Dr. Doug Mclachlan | Guidance, Care | Psalms |
Psalm of Joy | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Praise, Thanks | Psalms |
Source of Music | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Worship, Relationship | Psalms |
True Greatness | Dr. Les Ollila | Faithfulness, Contentment | Psalms, Acts |
Directing Your Time | Dr. Les Ollila | Priorities | Pslams |
When Everything Looks All Right, But Everything is All Wrong | Ron DeGarde | Obedience, Testimony | Revelation |
The City of God Part 1 | Steve Pettit | Heaven | Revelation |
The City of God Part 2 | Steve Pettit | Heaven | Revelation |
Revelation Churches Series | Dr. Doug Mclachlan | Worldliness, Sactification | Revelation |
Wake Up and Die Right | Dr. Les Ollila | Thinking, Eternity | Romans |
Christians in Today's Culture | Dr. Les Ollila | Paul, Discipleship, accountability | Romans |
World Views Part 1 | Dr. Les Ollila | Truth. Humanism | Romans |
World Views Part 2 | Dr. Les Ollila | Idols, Theism | Romans |
The Christian Perspective on War | Dr. Les Ollila | War, Government, Daniel | Romans |
Amazing Grace | Steve Pettit | Justification,Salvation | Romans |
Discovering God's Will | Steve Pettit | Surrender, Discipleship | Romans |
Having an Urban Burden | Matt Recker | Evangelism, Thankfulness | Romans |
Radically Changed | Mark Zimmer | Salvation, Paul, Israel | Romans |
Two Ways to Live | JD Crowley | Testimony, Rebellion | Romans |
The Romans Road is Not the Romans Road | JD Crowley | Evangelism | Romans |
The Cost of Being a Christian | Jeff Kahl | Discipleship | Romans |
Whosoever and They | Danny Whetstone | Faith, Salvation | Romans |
The World's Greatest Need | Phil Hunt | Salvation | Romans |
Salvation in a Savior | Joe Baldwin | Salvation | Romans |
Following Jesus Christ - His Sacrifice | Doug McLachlan | Discipleship, Godliness | Romans |
Divisions | Lucus Counterman | Unity,Essentials | Romans |
Absolute Justification | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption | Romans |
Applied Christianity | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Faithfulness, Service | Romans |
Great Marks of Secutiry | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sactification, Relationship, Hope | Romans |
Portrait of Consecration | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Love, Dedication | Romans |
No Doubt | Dr. Les Ollila | Judgment, Paul | Romans, Revelation |
Bitterness - Ruth | Dr. Les Ollila | Naomi, Bitterness | Ruth |
The Believer and Redeeming Faith | Leonard Saunders | Obedience, Faithfulness, Salvation | Titus |
Abundance of Life | Dr. Doug McLachlan | sinfulness, goodness, fruitfulness | Titus |
The Glory of God's Grace | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Encouragement, Redemption | Titus |
Wounds of Christ | John Goetsch | Crucifixion | Zechariah |