Living Redemptively
This is a fifteen-minute, daily program featuring the excellent Bible teaching of Dr. Doug McLachlan.
Dr. McLachlan is the former Pastor of Fourth Baptist Church, in Plymouth, Minnesota. He's also served as a Bible teacher, college and Seminary professor.
The program airs at 3:45 am, 8:45 am and 2:45 pm weekdays on 88.1 FM.
Recent Programs
The latest programs are listed first. To download, right click on the file name and "Save link as" or "Save file as."
Title | Speaker | Topic | Scripture |
Potency of God's Word | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Scripture, Obedience, Truth | Psalms |
Great Marks of Secutiry | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sactification, Relationship, Hope | Romans |
Source of Music | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Worship, Relationship | Psalms |
Revelation Churches Series | Dr. Doug Mclachlan | Worldliness, Sactification | Revelation |
Psalm 23 Series | Dr. Doug Mclachlan | Guidance, Care | Psalms |
Marks of Godliness | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Character, Salvation | Psalms |
Psalm of Joy | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Praise, Thanks | Psalms |
Triumphant in Trials | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Persecution, Joy | 1 Peter |
A Great and Glorious Invitation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Rest, Salvation | Matthew |
Man God Uses | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Godliness, Blessing | Psalms |
Christ's Redemptive Ministry | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Holy Spirit, Deliverance | Luke |
Applied Christianity | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Faithfulness, Service | Romans |
1 Peter Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Christ, Suffering, Faith, Salvation, Values | 1 Peter |
In the Fullness of Time | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Salvation | Galatians |
Psalm 145 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Praise, Daivd | Psalms |
Ephesians Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Grace, Redemption | Ephesians |
Love's Ultimate Expression | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Death, Christ | Luke |
The Life Which Honors God | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Power, Godliness, Promises | 2 Peter |
Ingratitude: The Most Graceless of All Sins | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Thankfulness, Humility | Luke |
Abundance of Life | Dr. Doug McLachlan | sinfulness, goodness, fruitfulness | Titus |
The Supreme Revelation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Revelation, Christ | Hebrews |
Greatness of Christian Redemption | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redeemer | 1 Corinthians |
The True Wisdom and the False Wisdom | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Wisdom | James |
Inexhaustible Christ | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Grace, Truth | John |
Glory of the Word | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Scripture, Sacred | 2 Timothy |
Man'a Malady and God's Mercy | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Forgiveness, Compassion, Mercy | Psalm |
1 Thessalonians Series | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Church, Love, Hope, Faithfulness | 1 Thessalonians |
Message of Baptism | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Baptism | Colossians |
The Blood of Jesus Christ | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sacrifice, Forgiveness | Hebrews |
The Glory of God's Grace | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Encouragement, Redemption | Titus |
The Great Deliverance | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Salvation | Hebrews |
The Beatitudes | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Blessing, Joy, Jesus | Matthew |
The Great Works of Christ on our Behalf | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption, Sacrifice | Hebrews |
Words From the Cross | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Crucifixion, Resurrection, Love | Matthew, Luke John |
Biblical Evangelism | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Evangelism, Gospel | 1 Peter, Matthew, 1 John |
Realizing Our Riches | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Prayer, Unity | Ephesians |
4 Great Seperations | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Fall, Salvation | Genesis |
Grace and Government of God | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption | Genesis |
Formation of a Fallen Culture | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sin, Seperation | Genesis |
Radiance of God’s Love | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Belief | John |
Potential for Authentic Christianity | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Indwelling | Philippians |
Ye Are the Salt of the Earth | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Witness, Influence | Matthew |
Joseph | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Trials, Faithfulness | Genesis |
Rarity of Gratitude | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Healing, Thankfulness | Luke |
JesusChrist the Supreme Wonder | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Witnessing, Seeking | John |
2 Timothy 1 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Salvation, Faith, Sanctification | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 2 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Servan, Steward, Sacrifice | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 3 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Apostasy, Faithfulness | 2 Timothy |
2 Timothy 4 | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Preaching, Witnessing, Second Coming | 2 Timothy |
Marks of Wisdom in a Godly Man | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Compassion, Courage | 1 Corinthians |
Reflections On His Sufferings | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Discouragement, Faithfulness | Hebrews |
His Name Is | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Sufficiency, Christ | Isaiah |
Missionary Mandate | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Faith, Salvation | Acts |
Portrait of Consecration | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Love, Dedication | Romans |
A Consideration of The Subject of Reconciliation | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Seperation, Sin | 2 Corinthians |
The Joy of the Christian | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Joy | Philippians |
Absolute Justification | Dr. Doug McLachlan | Redemption | Romans |